


第一步 - 批准了新的捐赠

  1. 发展中的捐赠和捐助关系官获得UT系统的捐赠批准。
  2. Development Office sends copy of Board of Regents’ “Summary of Approval,” together with a copy of the gift agreement, to the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer (EVPCAO) and the Development Officer in the appropriate School/Institute.

第二步 - 持有人的建议和批准(首次和更换持有人)

  1. 同行评议过程完成后,Dean or Institute Director submits recommendation letter (Sample Recommendation Letter) for endowed position to the EVPCAO for review and recommendation to the President for approval.
  2. EVPCAO将批准的建议的副本退还给院长或研究所董事以及开发办公室。
  3. 学校或研究所将准备“捐赠持有人要求预算更改请求(RBC)任命信”(样本RBC字母) with an effective date based on RBC Cut-Off Schedule prepared by Human Resources System Data Resources.
  4. RBC信件必须包括以下持有人的财务信息:持有人名称,所有添加剂工资和HRMS部门ID。
    • School/Institute contacts Holder to discuss salary details.
    • School/Institute contacts HR Compensation to create/modify Holder’s Job Code.
      • 标题(长版本和简短版本,简短版本限制为30个字符)
      • 生效日期(应匹配RBC字母和PA)
      • Title to whom this position will report
      • 报销类型(教师或学术A&P)
      • Classification – faculty or academic A&P (not necessarily same as reimbursement type)
    • 学校/学院开始为SDR准备人员行动请求(PA)。
  5. 学校或研究所将向EVPCAO提交完整的捐赠持有人RBC任命信,并附上Dean或董事的签名/批准。然后,EVPCAO将转发给总统签名/批准。
  6. 结合完成的RBC信,学校或研究所必须向SDR提交电子人员行动请求(PA)。

第三步 - RBC和人事行动请求(首次替换持有人)

  1. EVPCAO收到了总统批准的捐赠持有人RBC的任命信。
  2. 原始批准的捐赠持有人RBC任命信已转交给SDR,并将其副本带到EVPCAO,开发办公室和Dean或Institute董事。
  3. Upon receipt of the approved Endowment Holder RBC Appointment Letter and the PA, SDR prepares the electronic RBC and submits to UT System for approval. (NOTE: SDR must receive both the approved RBC letter and Personnel Action Request before the electronic RBC will be sent to UT System for approval.)
  4. Upon RBC approval by System, SDR enters PA submitted by the School/Institute and sends copy of approved RBC to EVPCAO office. EVPCAO notifies the Dean or Institute Director and the Development Office when System approval is received.
  5. PA进入后,SDR将通知有关PI或部门代码的捐赠帐户的任何FMS更改后通知邮政奖励团队(PAF)。

步骤IV - 首次替换持有人通知

  1. EVPCAO准备了总统给持有人的祝贺信。EVPCAO向开发人员发送了原始签名的祝贺信,以处理指定的持有人。开发办公室向持有人发送了一个完整的数据包,其中包括以下内容:
  2. The Development Office distributes copies of the congratulatory letter to the offices of the EVP and Chief Academic Officer, Dean or Institute Director,Holder’s Department Chair, Public Affairs, and Human Resources System Data Resources.