

Events & News

Pfizer Accepting Non-Confidential Preproposals for Certain Interest Areas

Posted June 1,2020:

Pfizer’s Centers for Therapeutic Innovation is seeking out pre-proposal applications in core research focus areas: oncology, inflammation &
immunology, internal medicine and rare diseases as outlined more specifically below. Non-confidential pre-proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis from June 1st – September 28th.

  • DNA Damage Response and Replicative Stress
  • Repeat Expansion Diseases
  • Cellular Senescence
  • 组织免疫系统串扰

Download more information on these opportunities这里. Download Pfizer's pre-proposal template这里.

2020 Spring I-Corps Life Science Regional Program

Posted January 17, 2020:

德克萨斯大学医学博士Anderson癌症中心的创业发展中心很高兴为我们的2020年春季I-Corps Life Science区域计划开放应用程序门户。该计划向Uthealth团队开放,并向所有生命科学技术开放,包括诊断,数字健康,医疗设备,治疗学等。

Teams will be accepted on a rolling basis, with the first round of interviews beginning February 17th. The final application deadline is March 16th. However, applications may close earlier if all slots are full before March 16th.

Read more and apply here

博士。Mukherji,Cooley团队创建Airway Armor™

发表于2018年9月19日:博士。Mukherji and Cooley from the UTHealth School of Dentistry at Houston have developed the Airway Armor™, a guard that keeps small objects from falling down a patient's throat during dental procedures.


NCATS STTR Funding Opportunities Open for Academic Researchers & Entrepreneurs

Posted May 24, 2018: TheNational Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)at the National Institutes of Health invites researchers at academic institutions to apply for小型企业技术转移(STTR)支持商业化创新。下一个申请截止日期是2018年9月5日,下午5:00当地时间。STTR计划是美国早期技术融资的最大来源之一

NCATS is interested in the development of innovative tools, technologies and intervention (drug, device, diagnostic) platforms that would support the creation of novel therapeutics. The NCATS SBIR & STTRresearch priorities包括:


Phase I:
目的是建立拟议的研发工作的技术优点和可行性,并在在第二阶段提供进一步的联邦支持之前确定小型企业绩效的质量。beplay苹果手机能用吗Phase I support is typically $150,000 provided over a period of six months. However, with proper justification, applicants may propose longer periods of time and greater funding amounts necessary to establish the technical merit and feasibility of the proposed project, up $225,000 in total costs for one year.

Phase II:

Benefits of Applying:

  • Funding is stable, predictable and not a loan
  • 资本是非二元的
  • Small businesses retain intellectual property rights
  • NIH的严格同行评审为早期公司提供了认可,验证和可见性
  • 与这些奖项相关的声望可以帮助吸引更多的资金或其他支持(例如,风险资本,战略合作伙伴)

Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday, May 30 from 3:00 – 4:00 PM EST:免费网络研讨会SBIR / STTR资金,申请人中rt programs, and local resources by NCATS, NCI and the Women’s Business Development Center.Register now!
  • June 4 – 7, BIO国际ional 2018 in Boston:NCAT将于今年在Bio!联系我们to set up a one-to-one meeting to discuss STTR funding opportunities and resources with Lili Portilla, Director of Strategic Alliances at NCATS.

Questions?Visit theNCATS small business opportunitieswebsite and emailNCATS-SBIRSTTR@mail.nih.govto discuss potential project ideas and related questions.

TMCX Open 2018医疗设备队列申请




