


免疫接触徽标 免疫接合治疗公司是一家新成立的生物制药公司,致力于开发用于癌症治疗的创新治疗抗体。该公司正在应用药物开发中的最新科学见解和专业知识,以推动新颖的免疫肿瘤学产品,并为癌症患者带来新的治疗选择,包括在Uthealth的Zhiqiang博士实验室开发的技术。
Cellvation Logo Cellvation,Inc。is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel cellular therapeutics for the treatment of traumatic brain injury. Cellvation is also developing CEVA-D, a novel bioreactor that enhances the anti-inflammatory potency of bone marrow-derived cells without genetic manipulation. These technologies are based out of the labs of Drs. Charles S. Cox, Jr. and Brijesh Gill.
wntrix徽标 WNTrix,Inc。is a biotechnology company aiming to develop breakthrough therapeutics for cancer treatment. Its first program is based on the discovery of antibodies and their drug conjugates against a novel target by UTHealth’s Dr. Q. Jim Liu. The target is abundantly expressed in cancer cells in substantial fractions of solid tumors and in tumor-associated immune cells. Its targeting may provide a novel treatment to patients with tumors expressing high levels of this target.
Austech徽标 Austech Pharmaceuticals LLC
Acelerox, LLC
cogulex徽标 Cogulex,Inc。is focused on the development, manufacture, and sale of hand-held MEMS based point of injury coagulation assessment tools. The devices, co-invented by UTHealth’s Dr. Brijesh Gill, Dr. Charles S Cox, and Kevin Aroom, potentially provide actionable results for therapeutic intervention within 120 seconds, without the need for pre-calibration, and with a limited blood sampling requirement (less than 50 microliters).
logo decisio 决定健康,公司is commercializing a clinical decision support platform created by the team at UTHealth’s Center for Translational Injury Research (CeTIR) led by Dr. John Holcomb. The platform hopes to improve clinical outcomes and reduce hospital costs by visually integrating clinical result and patient information in real-time while providing decision assist recommendations based on customizable clinician defined protocols.
徽标zymo Zymo Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Panamab logo Panamab, Inc.is a biotech company that focuses on new target identification and validation, and discovery and development of first-in-class and/or best-in-class monoclonal antibodies and companion diagnostics for the treatment of cancers and other serious diseases based on technology developed in part in the laboratory of UTHealth’s Dr. Zhiqiang An.
logo lifebot LifeBot,LLC
徽标alzeca Alzeca Biosciences, LLC
徽标新生症 Neogenis Labs,Inc。是为了开发新颖的营养补充剂制定,以用于日常心血管健康,并根据Uthealth的Nathan Bryan博士在分子医学研究所开发的研究来增强运动表现。beplay苹果手机能用吗Neogenis于2010年8月推出了他们的第一个产品。
logo acumed 累积系统公司commercializes innovative tools for interventional medicine. Recently, Accumed became a UTHealth Porfolio company by licensing the technology pioneered by UTHealth’s Drs. James Willerson and Ward Casscells in the area of thermal detection of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque.
徽标发射 EMIT Corporation(Emergency Medical Interventional Technologies Corporation) is developing trauma care products based on innovative devices developed by UTHealth’s Drs. Charles Cox, Jr. and Brijesh Gill from the Departments of Pediatric Surgery and Surgery, respectively. EMIT’s first product includes a novel, patent-protected, portable fluid warmer to deliver therapeutic temperature management to patients experiencing hypothermia anywhere in the world and much sooner after injury.
logo-NanoMedical 纳米医学系统公司(NMS)正在开发由Mauro Ferrari博士及其同事开发的新型可植入纳米通道的药物输送系统。纳米通道芯片允许从皮下储层中释放药物。NMS通过整合半导体,生物技术,MEMS/NEMS和药品来开创个性化医学。
logo-Windmill Windmill Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.(WCS)除其他心血管和非生物医学设备外,还将左心室辅助装置和全人工心脏商业化。WCS血泵,Torvadtm,消除了入口和出口阀,同时为与天然心脏的控制和同步能力在从近稳定流到脉冲流动的广泛血流中。
徽标SES SES's innovative web-based disaster exercise technology targets health care responders and other vital response sectors in areas where they have health related responsibilities, such as law enforcement, EMS, fire services, preparedness training in bioterror, mass casualty, natural disaster, and pandemic flu. SES webinars feature nationally known speakers dealing with topics pertinent to the disaster preparedness community to provide exercises and assessment needs.
logo texteach Ferteach,LLC根据Uthealth的Nancy Bergstrom博士和同事的研究,根据老年护理领域开发和市场产品。beplay苹果手机能用吗纹理的产品包括标题为“如何预测和预防压力疮”的教学视频和“老年人爱心口腔卫生:护理人员培训”。
徽标 -  endothelix Endothelix, Inc。最近,Vendys™已获得FDA批准用于商业销售。
徽标PLX PLx Pharma Inc.专门研究由Lenard Lichtenberger博士开创的非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID)的新制剂。PLX用两种铅产品完成了四项临床试验,而第三种产品最近获得了IND批准。PLX筹集了超过1100万美元,并向Uthealth和UT Medical Barks发起了400万美元的研beplay苹果手机能用吗究。
徽标volcano 火山公司,(VOLC:NASDQ)est。2001年,专门从事血管内超声和其他设备的制造,用于评估心脏和血管疾病。火山于2006年6月进行了首次公开募股(IPO),部分基于Uthealth Aculty Drs开创的技术价值。詹姆斯·威尔森(James Willerson)和沃德·卡斯(Ward Casscells)在脆弱的动脉粥样硬化斑块的热检测区域。火山目前拥有500多名员工,全球销售额接近1亿美元。
徽标lifecell Lifecell(LIFC)在再生医学领域开发和市场产品,用于重建手术程序。LIFC的产品包括用于塑料重建的AlloDerm®再生组织基质。LIFC在1992年进行了IPO,2008年预计收入估计为2.33亿美元。LIFC最近以1.7美元的价格宣布了Kinetics Concepts Inc.的收购。