Faculty Mentors


Resources for Faculty

Faculty Mentors

UTHealth休斯顿啊ffice of Postdoctoral Affairs was established to address the needs and provide services to all of the institution's postdoctoral research scientists. The office serves as an information warehouse and provides an avenue of communication among Postdoctoral Fellows, Faculty, and Administrators on issues related to postdoctoral training.

The Office offers Postdoctoral Fellows a starting point for resources and general information. We provide assistance to help ensure the entire postdoctoral experience on and off campus is as pleasant and productive as possible. It is the goal of the institution to attract first-rate researchers and provide them with an outstanding Postdoctoral experience.

How to Hire a UTHealth Houston Postdoctoral Research Fellow

All UTHealth Houston Postdoctoral Appointments must be approved by the Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. This applies to all Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions regardless of the source of funding. A Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PRF) is an individual who holds a PhD, MD, other terminal doctorate, or equivalent degree and who is selected to receive advanced research training under the guidance of a mentor holding a primary faculty appointment at the University. PRFs are not observers or volunteers.


我们上张贴一个博士后的广告website, e-mail the ad toYasmin.Chebaro@uth.tmc.edu. If you need help on what to include, download and fill out the PDF template below and e-mail it toYasmin.Chebaro@uth.tmc.edu.

Postdoc Ad Template Form

NIH Guidelines for Postdocs Mentors

  • Salary scale for postdocs-NIH FY22
  • Appropriate Treatment of Research Trainees from the AAMC Group on Research, Education, and Training (GREAT): GuidePDFandLINK to NIH May 10, 2022 statement.
  • NIH Responsible Conduct in Research requirement can be fulfilled via theCertificate Training Programat UTHealth Houston.
  • Information on NIH requirement for use of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Researchers Required in Annual Progress Reports can be foundHERE.
