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Office of the President

Strategic Plan 2015 to 2022

2015-2025 Strategic PlanAs president of UTHealth, I am pleased to present theUTHealth Strategic Plan 2015-2022。来自所有六所学校的教职员工,我们的发展委员会的领导人和我们外围beplay执行管理的代表共同努力了六个多月,以制定该计划,我要感谢他们每个人的时间,投入和辛勤工作。这种协作方法对于制定包含许多校园的需求,专业知识,能力和优先事项的计划至关重要。尽管一个计划永远不会涵盖Uthealth的所有惊人工作,但我相信我们已经确定了一个共同的目的,共同的价值观和一致的愿景,这将为我们作为领先的学术健康中心的未来奠定基础。

This Plan focuses on areas that we believe will create the most value for all UTHealth constituents - students, patients, faculty, staff, legislators, volunteers, clinical partners and more - and will provide stability, strategy and a platform for growth for our university. As we fulfill the goals of this Plan, we aim to develop new capabilities and services that will benefit those we directly serve and, ultimately, the larger fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, public health, biomedical informatics and biomedical sciences.

While this Plan provides us with direction, we must and will regularly re-evaluate our course to ensure that we are making progress and to make necessary adjustments to our goals. This is a process, not simply an event or a single document. To successfully achieve all that we have outlined in this Plan - and I hope even more - in the next five years, we must be dedicated, responsive and flexible.

I encourage you to familiarize yourself with this Plan and share it with others. If you find us falling short of our objectives, I hope you will let us know and ask us to do better. And, more importantly, I hope you will celebrate with us as we begin to successfully meet these goals.

Giuseppe N.Colasurdo, MD
Alkek-Williams Distinguished Chair
