



劳伦·拉曼·马修斯(Lauren Laman Mathews)

劳伦·马修斯(Lauren Mathews)品牌和创意服务主任
电话: 713-500-3228

劳伦·拉曼·马修斯(Lauren Laman Mathews)directs the efforts of the Branding and Creative Services Team as they provide an array of creative services to the university while managing the day-to-day branding needs of UTHealth Houston. Lauren and her team collaborate with the rest of the Public Affairs staff to strengthen relationships with departments and schools across the university, building up the UTHealth Houston brand and telling the story of our university through creative and thoughtful visual solutions and strategies. Her team’s services include design, brand management, project management, brand promotion, animation, videography and video editing, photography, conception, and creative and brand consultation. Lauren holds a Bachelor of Fine Art in design from Harding University, has more than 16 years of creative and management experience, and has been with UTHealth Houston since 2008.

Jonathan Lopez

Jonathan LopezManager, Creative Services
电话: 713-500-3078

自2015年加入公共事务以来,乔纳森(Jonathan)通过将创造力,数据和科学融合到有形的作品中,帮助提升了Uthealth Houston品牌,这些作品讲述了大学的故事。他的努力涉及开发创造性解决方案,共识建设,协作和大型愿景,以查看项目完成。作为创意服务的经理,乔纳森(Jonathan)指导我们的设计师制定策略和计划,这些策略和计划继续建立品牌权益,并在大学中以创造性的方法和视觉策略为导师合作伙伴。乔纳森(Jonathan)毕业于休斯顿大学,在图形设计,品牌管理,项目管理,艺术指导和教学方面拥有超过13年的经验。

Natalie Cheng

Natalie ChengProject Specialist
电话: 713-500-3066

作为品牌和创意服务团队的项目专家,Natalie Cheng与大学的各个团队合作,计划,计划和执行品牌,创意和多媒体项目。除了项目支持外,娜塔莉(Natalie)对拍摄和摄影有广泛的了解,并与我们的多媒体专家每天合作。她还合作进行日常品牌管理和咨询。她在各种行业中工作,包括音乐,技术,广播媒体生产和发行以及医疗保健。娜塔莉(Natalie)拥有田纳西州纳什维尔(Nashville)的贝尔蒙特大学(Belmont University)的工商管理硕士学位,并拥有德克萨斯A&M大学的工商管理学士学位。她还演奏大提琴,并在得克萨斯州医疗中心乐团的董事会任职。

安德里亚·罗德里格斯(Andrea Rodriguez)

安德里亚·罗德里格斯(Andrea Rodriguez)University Graphic Designer
电话: 713-500-3372

安德里亚·罗德里格斯(Andrea Rodriguez)在图形设计行业工作了十多年,在品牌开发,服装设计和产品包装方面获得了多样化的经验。安德里亚(Andrea)于2020年3月加入公共事务的品牌和创意团队。外围beplay在休斯顿Uthealth的角色之前,安德里亚(Andrea)在日本娱乐业中发展了自己的包装设计师技能。她的作品获得了两个金牌奖,以促进促销包装。她拥有休斯顿艺术学院的图形设计专业的美术学士学位。

Matthew Boteilho

Matthew BoteilhoUniversity Graphic Designer
电话: 713-500-3950

Matthew Boteilho joined the Branding and Creative Services Team in Public Affairs as a university graphic designer in April 2022. Since 2011, he has been working for agencies and nonprofits, including Children’s Museum Houston, where he created designs for interactive exhibits as well as the museum’s development and public relations offices. He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in graphic design from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. An award-winning graphic designer, Matthew’s background includes using captivating conceptual imagery and typography to create visuals for a wide variety of print and digital channels.

罗杰利奥·卡斯特罗(Rogelio Castro)

罗杰利奥·卡斯特罗(Rogelio Castro)Multimedia Designer
电话: 713-500-3027

罗杰利奥·卡斯特罗(Rogelio Castro)is the multimedia designer for the Branding and Creative Services Team in Public Affairs. He collaborates and acts as a bridge between the creative and multimedia arms of the team through development of 2D and 3D animations, photography, videography, and graphic design. With over eight years of experience in the creative field, Rogelio brings his innate talent and sharp eye for great design to his role. He has a bachelor’s degree in media arts and animation from The Art Institute of Houston. In his spare time, Rogelio enjoys shooting film photography.

Nathan Jeter

Nathan Jeter多媒体专家
电话: 713-500-3004

Nathan Jeter is a multimedia specialist focusing on photography and videography on the Branding and Creative Services Team. He joined the university in August 2021 and is responsible for concept and development of web-based multimedia and services in support of UTHealth Houston branding, marketing, and communications strategies. His background includes service in the United States Navy and over 15 years of experience with photography and videography. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of Houston – Clear Lake.

David Sotelo

David Sotelo多媒体专家
电话: 713-500-3087

David Sotelo is a multimedia specialist on the Branding and Creative Services Team. With more than seven years of experience in health care, David’s background includes experience in the operating room and in organ procurement. Following his health care career, his passion for videography and photography blossomed into a wedding photography/videography business which eventually led him to UTHealth Houston. With over 10 years of professional multimedia experience, David marries his creative and health care experiences in this role and is able to have the best of both worlds by filming and photographing doctors that he has previously worked with and capturing the stories of our aspiring health care professionals. David attended Lone Star College and is certified as a surgical technologist.
