

Refund Policy



  • 秋季学期的前十二天
  • the first twelve days of a spring semester
  • 夏季会议的前四天(12周,第6周,第二个6周)

TEC 51.907 Course Withdrawal Limit for Undergraduate Students

完全提取 应根据以下时间表在一个学期内完全退出机构退出学费和强制性费用。退款百分比是基于所有学费和费用的全额支付。如果尚未全额付款,则有可能达成余额。在学期的第一天之后,并非所有费用都可以退还。
Military Tuition Assistance Complete Withdrawal Military Tuition Assistance is awarded to Service Members contingent upon completion of the semester/payment period. Military Tuition Assistance recipients who withdraw prior to completing 60% of the semester/payment period will have unearned aid that, by law, must be returned to the Federal Government by the University. Funds returned by the University to the Federal Government must be repaid to the University by the Service Member. A charge will appear on the Service Member’s account until the balance has been paid in full. If 60% of the semester/payment period has been completed prior to withdrawing, 100% of the Military Tuition Assistance will have been earned and the award will remain in place. To view the Military Tuition Assistance policy please visithttps://inside.uth.edu/finance/bursars/student/return-of-unearned-tuition-assistance

经济援助完全提款 经济援助将授予在学期/付款期结束后取得的学生。在完成学期/付款期60%之前撤军的联邦财政援助接收者将获得未知的援助,根据法律,必须将其归还给联邦政府。大学退还给联邦政府的资金必须由学生偿还给大学。在学生的帐户上将出现费用,直到全额支付余额为止。如果在撤离之前完成了学期/付款期的60%,则将获得100%的联邦援助,并将保留财务援助。要查看财政援助标题IV归还资金政策,请访问//www.tjghsg.com/sfs/policies-and-disclosures/refund_repayment_index.htm

All applicable refund rules will apply and refunds of tuition/fees will be sent to the student prior to the return of unearned aid by the University to the Federal Government.
非官方戒断 An Unofficial Withdrawal is one where the institution has not received notice from the student that the student has ceased or will cease attending the university. Students who earn unsatisfactory grades (i.e. F’s) and/or a combination of unsatisfactory grades, withdrawals (i.e. W’s, WF’s), and incomplete grades (I’s) on all courses for the term may be categorized as an unofficial withdrawal. The Registrar’s Office will investigate to determine whether or not the student earned the failing/incomplete grade or whether the grade was given due to non-attendance. The university will determine the last date of attendance at an academically related activity and use that date as the withdrawal date. If the last date of attendance at an academically related activity cannot be determined, the mid-point of the term will be used as the official withdrawal date.

All applicable refund rules will apply once the official withdrawal date has been determined.


100% Prior to the first day of the session
80% During the first 5 class days of the term
70% 在学期的第二个5堂课中
50% 在学期的第三个5堂课中
25% During the fourth 5 class days of the term
没有任何 在学期的第四个5堂课之后

6-Week Summer sessions

100% Prior to the first day of the session
80% 在第一、第二或第三类天啊f the session
50% 在会议的第四,第五或六年级中
没有任何 在会议的第七堂课期间,此后

MD and DDS Degree Students

100% 在学期的第一天之前
90% 在学期的前五天
85% 在学期的第二个五个班级中
75% 在学期的第三个五个班级中
62.5% During the fourth学期的五堂课
50% 在第二天开始的第二天开始之后
40% During the first five days of the second half of the term
35% During the second five days of the second half of the term
25% 在学期的下半场的第三五天
12.5% During the fourth five days of the second half of the term
退款是基于学期的第一天,而不是班级召集的第一天。退款是基于您放下班级的那一天myUTHor the day your withdrawal form arrives in the Registrar's Office. Tuition reassessment refunds will be made after the 20th class day of a Fall or Spring term or after the 15th class day of a Summer session.

Updated 07/07/2015
