



Area safety liaisons (ASLs) play an important role at UTHealth Houston by assisting colleagues and other individuals in their area regarding health and safety concerns. The role of an ASL includes communicating safety hazards and updates, reporting security concerns to UT Police, and facilitating evacuation during an emergency situation. The Occupational Safety and Fire Prevention Program helps to organize and administrate the ASL program by maintaining an active list of ASL volunteers, providing annual training to ASLs, and supporting ASLs who may have questions or concerns about their respective areas or buildings. Please contact EHS if you are interested in serving as a volunteer ASL for your area.

Area Safety Liaison Training, Information, and Forms

UTHealth Houston Emergency Communications德克萨斯大学健康科学中心的休斯顿社区拥有有关校园大楼,学校和信息系统状况的最新信息。
2022 ASL Training(PDF)

AED/CPR Training

AED/CPR Training - American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Professionals TrainingClasses are offered the 2nd Tuesday of each month. ContactCorey Jefferson有关更多信息,请致电713-500-8427。

Emergency Blue Phone Locations(Excel document)


Campus wide ASL contact information(Excel文件)

Emergency Management Plan

Emergency Management PlanCourse of action developed to mitigate the damage of events that could affect safety of personnel or campus.

Emergency Evacuation Assistance Program

休斯顿乌西顿(Uthealth Houston)试图通过建立应对当地紧急情况的特定程序来保护其社区免受不可预测情况的影响。在这方面,创建了紧急撤离援助请求,以告知当事方的紧急人员,这些人员可能需要在建筑物疏散时需要额外援助。该填写的表格将在位于每栋建筑物的消防箱中固定,以识别可能需要援助的人的房间或区域。紧急撤离援助请求表可用于可能需要长期或短期残疾的帮助的流动性障碍个人。欢迎任何认为他们在撤离期间需要帮助的乘员都可以填写表格。

If you need assistance to evacuate the building during an emergency, please complete theEmergency Evacuation Assistance Requestand email the form to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety atosfp.safety@uth.tmc.edu

Upon receipt, a member of the Environmental Health and Safety team will contact you to confirm the request. EH&S will then update the HFD Fire Depository Box, notify UT Police and coordinate with your Area Safety Liaison (ASL).

If you have any questions we encourage you to contact Environmental Health and Safety at 713-500-8100 or 713-500-8165.

Emergency Evacuation Assistance Request
