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Guidance Document for Fire Prevention During Cutting and "Hot Works" Operations


This procedure has been prepared as a guide for contractors, building maintenance, and equipment repair personnel (including persons who perform cutting and welding), fire watchers, their supervisors (including outside contractors), and building manager on whose property cutting and welding is to be performed.





  • 建立批准的切割和焊接区域,或建立批准切割和焊接操作的程序;
  • 指定一个负责在不专门设计或批准此类过程的领域授权切割和焊接操作的个人。个人应意识到所涉及的火灾危害,并熟悉本指南的规定;
  • 确保仅使用批准的设备,例如火炬,歧管,调节器或减压阀和乙炔发生器;
  • 确保切割机或焊工及其主管在其设备的安全操作中进行适当的培训,并在发生火灾时进行紧急程序;
  • 精选承包商进行切割或焊接的承包商,他们雇用了经过适当培训的人员,并且对所涉及的风险有所了解;
  • Advise all contractors of their duties and responsibilities during "hot works" operations.


  • Cutting and welding equipment is in satisfactory operating condition;
  • 该地区的所有可燃材料都已移至与工作的安全距离,或者将可燃物适当地避免了点火源;
  • 主管应确保适当地定位适当的防火和灭火设备;
  • 主管应安排消防手表在切割或焊接操作完成后至少一半小时留在现场,以检测并扑灭可能的闷烧火灾;
  • 主管应确保“热工作”许可证的副本位于工作现场,并已通知UT休斯顿的物理安全,并收到了许可证的副本。


Hot Works Permit

Prior to issuing a hot works permit the area will be inspected by the health science center designated representative.


  • 要使用的切割和焊接设备应处于令人满意的操作条件。
  • 如果纸,木屑或纺织纤维等可燃材料在地板上,则应清洁地板,半径为35英尺(11 m)。
  • 可燃地板(混凝土上的木材除外)应保持湿润,覆盖有潮湿的沙子,或者受到防火盾牌的保护。如果地板被弄湿,则应保护操作电弧焊接或切割设备的人员免受可能的电击。
  • 所有燃烧物应至少从工作地点水平地重新定位35英尺(11 m)。如果搬迁不切实际,则应用防火盖保护可燃物,或者用金属或防火后卫或窗帘屏蔽。地板盖的边缘应紧密,以防止火花在它们下面。这种预防措施在使用几个盖子来保护大堆的重叠中也很重要。
  • 墙壁,地板或管道的开口或裂缝应紧密覆盖,以防止火花传递到相邻区域。
  • Conveyor systems that might carry sparks to distant combustibles shall be protected.
  • Where cutting or welding is done near walls, partitions, ceilings, or roofs of combustible construction, fire-resistant shields or guards shall be provided to prevent ignition. If welding is to be done on a metal wall, partition, ceiling, or roof, precautions shall be taken to prevent ignition of combustibles on the other side, due to conduction or radiation, preferably by relocating combustibles. Where combustibles are not relocated, a fire watch on the opposite side from the work shall be provided. Welding shall not be attempted on a metal partition, wall, ceiling, or roof having a combustible covering, nor on walls or partitions of combustible sandwich-type panel construction.
  • Cutting or welding on pipes or other metal in contact with combustible walls, partitions, ceilings, or roofs shall not be undertaken if the work is close enough to cause ignition by conduction.
  • Fully charged and operable fire extinguishers, appropriate for the type of possible fire, shall be available at the work area. Contractors are responsible to furnish appropriate fire extinguishers during the project.
  • 如果靠近喷头的焊接或切割,则应在焊接或切割操作结束时将湿抹布放在头上,然后在焊接上取出。应采取特别的预防措施,以避免意外操作自动火灾检测或抑制系统(例如,特殊的灭火系统)。
  • 附近的人员应受到适当的保护,免受热,火花,炉渣等的保护。
  • 这UTHSC-H Designated Representative is responsible to isolate fire detection devices (smoke/heat detectors). Detectors cannot be covered with gloves, tape, plastic, etc. without prior approval of UTHSC-H Physical Safety.
  • 所有参与切割/焊接操作的人员都必须熟悉UTHSC-H紧急程序。


Adequate ventilation (natural, mechanical, or respirator) must be provided for all welding, cutting, brazing, and related operations. Adequate ventilation depends upon the following factors.

  • 发生操作的空间的音量和配置。
  • 生成污染物的数量和类型。
  • Allowable levels of specific toxic or flammable contaminants being generated.
  • Natural airflow (rate and direction) and general atmospheric conditions where work is being done.
  • 与污染物或来源有关的焊工和其他人的呼吸区域的位置。
  • 自然通风是可以接受的,用于焊接,切割和相关过程,在此过程中,采取了必要的预防措施,以使焊机的呼吸区域远离焊接或勇敢的羽流。

Special Ventilation Concerns

某些材料有时包含在焊接或切割操作的消耗品,碱金属,涂料或气氛中,具有较低或非常低的允许暴露限制(美国政府工业卫生学家会议,阈值限值1.0 mg/m3或更少)。其中包括:

  • Arsenic
  • Beryllium
  • Copper
  • Beryllium
  • Manganese
  • Mercury
  • Selenium


Whenever these materials are encountered as designated constituents in welding, brazing, or cutting operations, special ventilation precautions shall be taken to assure the level of contaminants in the atmosphere is below permissible exposure limits or recommendations.

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