


- 温迪·莫恩(Wendy Mohon)撰写

休斯顿 - (2006年10月23日) - 11月1日,在1月1日,最先进的Fayez S. Sarofim研究大楼将正式致力于布朗基金会分子医学研究所的新住所beplay苹果手机能用吗预防人类疾病(IMM)是德克萨斯大学健康科学中心的一部分。德克萨斯大学系统摄政委员会主席詹姆斯·R·霍芬斯(James R. Huffines)将正式接受并奉献新建筑。


醒目的设计和建造在1825年,Pressler Street的223,000平方英尺的建筑物由一月份结束的耗资200万美元的新边境运动资助。该活动创造了筹款记录,比Ut-Houston历史上任何以前的资本运动大7倍。

最大的礼物是投资公司Fayez Sarofim&Co。的创始人兼所有者,从建筑物同名Fayez S. Sarofim那里获得了2500万美元,以及来自Brown Foundation Inc.的2000万美元。



由开发委员会成员贝丝·罗伯逊(Beth Robertson)主持的新边界运动,由已故的本·洛夫(Ben Love)共同主持,筹集了资金,以建造和装备IMM的新的1,2000万美元的房屋,并招募一些世界上最好的科学家。


"Endowments were the real essence of the New Frontiers Campaign,” says Robertson. “While the majority of the campaign funds built extraordinary research space housed in a handsome building, the campaign was more about the ‘bright minds’ that fill the building, than bricks and mortar.”

C. Thomas Caskey, M.D., chief operating officer, director- and chief executive officer-elect of the IMM, says endowments are vital to recruitment efforts at the IMM.


Faculty, staff and researchers have been working in the new building since May, and new recruits continue to populate the IMM’s six main research centers, which are focused on cardiovascular diseases, cell signaling, human genetics, immunology and autoimmune diseases, protein chemistry, and vascular biology.

“We are actively recruiting some of the world’s best scientists in neuroscience, stem cell research, inflammation, metabolism, obesity, diabetes, genetic and proteomic discovery,” says UT Health Science Center President James T. Willerson, M.D. “We expect to have some 125 scientists working in the new building in the years to come, working collaboratively with basic and clinical scientists at all of our schools and working with scientists at academic institutions and hospitals throughout the Texas Medical Center, including Rice University and the University of Houston.”

屡获殊荣的建筑设计 - 由总部位于密苏里州的公司Berkebile Nelson Immenschuh McDowell Architects(BNIM)和总部位于宾夕法尼亚州的Burt Hill Kosar Rittelmann Associates,具有节能创新,以及应为较低的能源成本带来较低能源成本的结构用于气候控制。沃恩建筑是承包商。

与奉献精神一起,IMM将于11月2日举办一次研讨会,其中包括第七届HansJ.Müller-Eberhard纪念演讲,由哥伦比亚大学医学中心儿科教授Harvey R. Colten,M.D。举行。早晨和下午的科学会议将由IMM M.D. Irma Gigli主持,IMM副主任兼免疫学与自身免疫性疾病中心主任,以及由IMM博士的Ferid Murad,M.D.电池信号中心。主题演讲者将是Vaxinnate Corporation总裁兼首席执行官Lan R. Shaw博士。
