
About Us

What is the Student InterCouncil?

The Student InterCouncil (SIC) is the UTHealth student governance organization and is the recognized forum of student opinion and the primary vehicle for student participation in the governance of UTHealth. The organization is comprised of representatives from each of the six schools and from at large student and international student constituencies.

The SIC contributes to the quality of student life at UTHealth by participating in the development and implementation of policies and procedures affecting students; providing funds to support special projects of other student organizations; representing student interests on external and internal committees; improving communication among the schools through the publication of an SIC newsletter,Student Pulse; and planning and implementing activities that address the special needs of students.

The SIC is facilitated by Dr. LaTanya Love, Executive Vice President, Student Affairs and Diversity. A faculty advisor is appointed to the SIC on the recommendation of the Interfaculty Council. The Office of the执行副总裁兼首席学术官in conjunction with the Office of辅助企业supports the endeavors of the SIC through administrative advisors, Ms. Tanedra Booker, Associate Director, Office of the EVP/CAO, and Mrs. Cynthia Collier, Assistant to the Vice President-Chief Auxiliary Enterprises Officer.


The University’s student association is the Student InterCouncil (SIC), which is recognized as a forum for student opinion and comprises representatives from each of the schools and also has at large and international representation.

  • Uthealth最古老的常务委员会 - 成立于1979年。
  • The SIC was formed to serve as the recognized forum of student opinion. It has representation from each of the six schools and includes special representation of underrepresented and international student groups.

  • Activities of the SIC include:
    • Review policies and procedures that impact students, e.g., sexual harassment, immunizations.
    • 审查学生的学费和费用更改,并向总统提供建议,例如学生费用咨询委员会。
    • 主机的取向年初for all returning and new members of the SIC.
    • 向其他注册的UTHealth学生组织提供项目资金,以使UTHealth学生受益。
    • 代表在外部委员会任职,例如,UT系统学生咨询委员会,德克萨斯医学中心学生咨询委员会。
    • 为学生奖学金筹集资金,例如Toshi Nikaidoh服务奖,Shohrae Hajibashi纪念领导奖和SIC学术成就奖。
    • 启动了2016年的第一个SIC体育日 - 一项大学运动社交活动,适合所有与游戏,美食和乐趣的学校的学生。外围beplay
    • Initiated the Spring Mixer event (Crawfish Boil) – a university social activity for students of all schools with food and fun.

Student InterCouncil


Yuliana Nunez

Meeting Dates & Times

The Student InterCouncil (SIC) will hold meetings each academic year through the months of August through May. The first meeting is held as the SIC Orientation to introduce new and returning members to the responsibilities and duties of the Student Inter Council. If you have questions about the SIC meetings please contact the 2022-2023 SIC Vice President, Mr.Jayanta Mondal或发送电子邮件到sicgov@uth.tmc.edu.

会议地点: For2022-2023the meeting location will be University Center Tower (UCT) room 1726.


2021-2022 Meeting Dates/Minutes 2022-2023 Meeting Dates/Minutes
September 18, 2021 (Orientation) 2022年8月31日(方向)
September 27, 2021 September 19, 2022
October 18, 2021 October 17, 2022
2021年11月15日 2022年11月14日
十二月(没有计划的会议) 十二月(没有计划的会议)
2021年1月25日 January 31, 2023
January 31, 2022 February 21, 2023
2022年3月28日 2023年3月28日
2022年4月18日 2023年4月24日
May 12, 2022 5月(没有计划的会议)

Student InterCouncil Mission Statement






欢迎!作为历史学家,我的责任包括担任SIC学生新闻通讯的主编,学生脉搏。The脉冲is released quarterly to help develop awareness and communication among the students of all six UTHealth schools. In order to achieve this goal, the SIC needs students to send us news from your school or student organization. Send us announcements about upcoming events, scholarship awards, fundraising opportunities, volunteering, etc. Together we can work toward a more unified UTHealth student community and support one another toward our common endeavors.

请将您的公告和信息发送给sicgov@uth.tmc.eduwith a subject line of “Student Pulse Article”.


学年2021-2022 学年2022-2023
2021年12月学生脉搏 2022年12月学生脉搏
2022春季学生脉搏 2023春季学生脉搏


学年2021-2022 学年2022-2023
第11届年度小龙虾煮视频 致敬2022
11th Annual Crawfish Boil Photos 健康周/Sports Day 2022

学生互认为出版Student Pulsefrom September through May at UTHealth Houston. The opinions expressed inStudent Pulsedo not necessarily represent the opinions of the UTHealth Houston administration and are not UTHealth Houston policy, unless specifically stated. The editors reserve the right to edit any material submitted for this publication.
