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Sponsored Projects Administration





All CTAs are agreements between the University and the sponsor. The PI may be named as an employee of the University, but will not be a named as a party to the Agreement.

AAHRPP Standards

UTHealth is accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP). As such, all CTAs executed by the University must include standard language which address AAHRPP’s overarching principles for protecting human research participants.


As an academic medical institution, the University strives to create a vibrant academic environment. As such, the University cannot accept language which seeks to make raw source data or documentation, including the results of the study, confidential. Additionally, the University is an agency of the state of Texas, and therefore all agreements entered into by the University are subject to public disclosure under theTexas Public Information Act.


Timely publication and dissemination of the results of research performed by faculty are important principles behind UTHealth’s mission as an academic medical institution. Research sponsors are afforded a period of time to review and comment upon on the content of such publications, to protect intellectual property, and to ensure their confidential information is not improperly published, but the University does not accept terms that restrict faculty from freely publishing the results of their research.


Indemnification is addressed in all clinical trial agreements. In a sponsor initiated clinical trial agreements, the University faculty members are following the sponsor’s instructions. Therefore, the University cannot be held responsible for any injury or damages resulting from work performed during the clinical trial, or from the sponsor’s use of the University’s results of the study. As a state agency, the University is subject to the laws and Constitution of Texas, can indemnify only to extent of it is negligence.



Subject Injury



To support the indemnification detailed in this section, including subject injury liabilities, the sponsor must maintain a sufficient level of insurance. The University is self-insured and during the term of the agreement will maintain in force adequate insurance to cover its indemnification obligations.

Governing Law

The University is a constitutional corporation of the State of Texas and contracts accepted by the University also will be interpreted under Texas law. The University will also consider contractual silence regarding this issue, but generally will not subject itself to the laws of any other jurisdiction.

Payment Terms

Generally, clinical trial budgets are based on a fixed price-per-subject amount with a payment schedule. Such schedules usually provide for regular payments upon the completion of milestones (e.g., enrollment of a certain percentage of subjects, submission of a certain number of case report forms, etc.). These payments should include all applicable indirect costs.


The Clinical Research Finance and Administration (CRFA) team is responsible for the review negotiation, and execution of CTAs. The department is responsible for completing and submitting to Contracts theReview & Approval (R&A) Form, negotiating the budget with the sponsor, and submitting the requisite documents to the appropriate review boards (Institutional Review Board, Animal Welfare Committee, etc.).

Departments should forward all CTA drafts - and company contact information - toCRF@uth.tmc.edufor review and negotiation. While CRFA is negotiating the agreement, the department should be concurrently completing its responsibilities as detailed above.


  • 提交赞助商提供的协议和其他信息向机构审查委员会(IRB)提交。
  • Submit Contract to SPA by emailing it
  • Work with CRFA to complete the coverage analysis
  • Develop the internal budget with the study team and CRFA
  • Negotiate the budget with sponsor.
  • Complete theReview and Approval Formand submit tocrf@uth.tmc.edualong with the final budget.
  • 路由PI签名的最终协议,并提交给水疗中心


  • 代表PI和大学与赞助商协商协议的法律条款
  • Assist department in developing the coverage analysis and internal budget.
  • 将与PI签名的最终协议路由机构签署者进行签名。
  • Send partially executed agreement to sponsor
  • Send copy of fully executed agreement to department and Post Award Finance.
  • Coordinate with Post Award Finance for FMS Account Setup.
  • One year after the study is closed in the IRB CRFA team will initiate FMS Account Closeout Process.