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一个临床Trial Agreement (CTA) is an agreement between UTHealth and an Industry sponsor (typically a pharmaceutical or device company) to conduct a clinical study in which the protocol iswritten and provided由行业赞助商。

*注意 - 如果该协议是关于Uthealth教师编写的协议,或者是作为Uthealth教职员工与行业赞助商之间的合作而写的赞助研究协议beplay苹果手机能用吗是必须的。看临床试验- PI Initiated想要查询更多的信息。




The Proposal Development (PD) module is used in conjunction with the Agreement (AGT) module to submit Clinical Trial Agreements to SPA for processing. Each Clinical Trial Agreement must have a Proposal record and an Agreement record in START. (These records are linked in START.)

    • The Agreement module is used for: Submitting the Agreement itself to SPA for review and tracking the status of negotiations of legal terms.
      • The Proposal module is used for: Submitting Project information to SPA for project and budget review and approval, regulatory approvals, and financial account set up.

*看“Contract/ Coverage Analysis/ Proposal Record Workflow Documentfor a visual overview of the process under “Tools and Resources/” Forms and Templates” within the Clinical Research Finance section.


1. Conduct a Feasibility assessment


  • Complete Agreement Information Form
  • 上传发起人提供的协议草案副本
  • Upload a copy of Protocol


  • This initiates the coverage analysis build process in SPA.

4. Submit a new Proposal Development (PD) Record to SPA for budget review and approval after the following have been completed:

  • Billing Coverage analysis has been completed (SPA staff or START will send notification once completed CA is uploaded into START)
  • 内部预算已经完成(see CAIB tool guidance document under tools and forms Clinical Research Finance
  • PI/研究团队已经完成了与赞助商的预算谈判。

5. Upload required documents. The PD record must be completed accurately and data entered into all tabs. The following documents must be uploaded under the attachments tab:

  • 赞助商的最终预算副本
  • 带有完整内部预算信息的CAIB工具的副本
  • Copy of IRB approval(s)
  • RCOI表格为R&A表格中列为研究团队成员的每个人签名


Negotiate legal terms of the agreement with sponsor on behalf of the PI and the University.Note To ensure SPA’s efforts are s in line with department priority, SPA prioritizes agreements in which the Proposal records have been submitted to SPA for budget review.

Ensure a billing coverage analysis is built and uploaded into START. SPA creates a separate Agreement (AGT) record in START for the coverage analysis (linked to the CTA AGT and CTA PD records if available). START will send notification to the Department once the CA AGT record has been completed.



    • “批准”的覆盖范围分析AGT记录状态
    • 与PI签名的最终协议
    • PD record submitted to SPA (must be signed off by PI and DMO via START automated e sig routing)
    • PD记录准确完成
    • 确保所有必需的文档已在PD记录下上传


Post Award Finance team send out award set up notice via email.
