

UnderHOOP 64, the Sponsored Projects Administration is responsible for the review and acceptance of grants, contracts & subawards for sponsored activities at UTHealth.

这个内部ensur审查过程是必要的e that all sponsored project documentation concurs with the mission of the University and adheres to federal, state, sponsor and institutional policies and guidelines. The review process allows the Grants and Contracts administration team to assure potential sponsors that time and cost commitments are appropriate and all compliance issues (e.g., human subjects, animal use, export controls, conflicts of interest) are adequately addressed.




  • The A&F Packet is assigned for review to aSponsored Project Administrator.
  • 赞助项目管理员审查了机构和赞助商合规性的管理员和财务部门,并与部门管理员或首席调查员(PI)沟通有关所需的任何其他信息。
  • The Sponsored Projects Administrator provides assistance with budget revisions and guideline interpretation.
  • 赞助项目管理员从授权签署官员那里获得签名。
  • 赞助项目管理员将授予Cayuse424提案的提交许可。
  • Once the department uploads the completed science, the departments/PIs will submit the Cayuse424 application via the self-submit process.
  • The Grants and Contracts team will submit all non-Cayuse424 electronic submissions (Fastlane, CPRIT, EHB, Komen, CDMRP, AHA, THECB); the department is responsible for hard copy submissions.
  • The Grants and Contracts team maintains a file of the proposal until notification of award or non-funding.
  • AtJust In Time (JIT)或者,当授予赞助商的任何请求时,赠款团队将担任联络人,并正式回应所有信件(预算修订,其他支持文件,IRB批准等)。赠款团队与PI合作,获取并提交赞助商所需的任何信息,包括修订的预算,合规委员会协议批准以及大学代表和证书。
  • The sponsor completes proposal review and informs the PI or the Grants team of the funding decision.
  • If an award is made, the sponsor sends the Grants and Contracts team the notice of grant award (NOGA or NOA) document. If the PI receives the NOGA, it should be sent to the Grants team.


The Administrative & Financial (A&F) packet consists of all the documents related to the administrative and financial portions of a grant or contract application. In order to review and process a grant or contract application, Pre-award requests the complete A&F packet at least ten (10) days prior to the sponsor deadline. Applications that are submitted less than ten (10) working days prior to the sponsor deadline will be reviewed in the order in which they are received and are not guaranteed for submission.


A complete A&F packet consists of the following documents:

  • 填写并签名的R&A表格。完整的R&A表格应提交赠款,合作协议和分包合同。
  • Final budget and budget justification on the sponsor-required forms.
  • Final budget on SPA internal budget excel form
  • All completed grant application administrative pages.
  • Copy of agency instructions and guidelines.
  • 提交时发起人需要的任何适用保证。
  • Signed/approved exception letters (间接费用豁免,成本分担,约会信等)。
  • 分包商文件(如果适用),包括:
    • Scope of work (SOW)
    • Signed letter of intent (LOI)
    • Final budget
    • Final budget justification
    • Collaborator's federal negotiated indirect cost rate agreement
    • Regardless of funding source, prior to submission, the subrecipient must provide certification of compliance with the PHS FCOI

Regulation (42 CFR Part 50) by providing SPA withone以下的:

A.利益冲突披露表from each subcontractor

B.屏幕截图,显示每个子级别都在FDP Institutional Clearinghouse.

No other action is required.

C.授权签署官员签署的LOI或表格,该官员证明符合PHS FCOI法规

(42 CFR Part 50) for each subcontractor.

