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Sponsored Projects Administration

Follow the procedures below to route a proposal to Pre-award for review and approval. The administrative and financial (A&F) packet, including the completed administrative portion of the grant application, is due to Pre-award ten (10) business days prior to the agency deadline.




一个完整的A&F数据包,用于内置的Cayuse,包括:SF 424研beplay苹果手机能用吗究及相关(R&R)形式。下面是惠的所有信息eted when uploaded for A&F review:

  • SF 424封面(第1和2页)。
  • R&R项目/性能站点位置(所有站点都应在上传时包含所有站点,并且是正在执行项目的物理位置)。
  • R&R其他项目信息(摘要的例外)
  • R&R高级/关键人物个人资料(A&F审查(包括传记草图)所需的所有高级/关键人员的信息)。
  • R&R Budget (all three pages must be completed for all years, including budget justification. If a模块化应用,完成PHS 398Modular Budget).
  • PHS人类受试者和临床试验信息((Study Record(s)must be completed) For more details on new form please refer toinformation page.
  • R&R Subaward Budget Attachment (if applicable).
  • PHS 398封面补充(第1和2页)。
  • PHS 398 Research Plan (Complete with exception to Specific Aims and Research Strategy)

Upload the following in Documents under the Proposal Summary section in Cayuse:

  • 所有各方签署了所有参与该项目的学校的R&A表格。外围beplay
  • 适用的签名异常信(例如成本分享备忘录或IDC豁免)的约会信等。
  • CompletedSPA internal Budget
  • 涉及分包合同的项目需要为每个分包合同提供以下内容:
    • Scope of work (SOW)
    • Signed letter of intent (LOI)
    • 最终预算
    • 最终预算辩护
    • 合作者的联邦谈判间接成本率协议
  • 不管资金来源如何,在提交之前,子接收处必须通过向SPA提供SPA,以提供符合PHS FCOI法规的认证of the following:
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure form from each subcontractor
  • 屏幕截图,显示每个子接种在FDP机构交换所. No other action is required.
  • 由授权签署官员签署的LOI或表格,该签署官员对每个分包商的PHS FCOI法规(42 CFR第50部分)的符合.

Route the application to Pre-award by adding Pre-award to the routing chain under the Routing & Approval section of the Cayuse application.

Sponsored Projects Administration will review application while allowing science uploads to be completed. Once SPA approval obtained, proposal will be returned to department for final approval and request for submission. Deadline to request submission to agency is前3天到截止日期。


Submit the following to SPA via Cayuse 424:

  • 所有各方签署了所有参与该项目的学校的R&A表格。外围beplay
  • 最终预算and budget justification on the sponsor-required forms. Also provide completed SPA internal budget.
  • 签名的例外信(例如成本分享备忘录或IDC豁免),预约信等,如适用。
  • Copy of the full grant application, including with the administrative sections completed. This includes all documents except the science.
  • 代理说明和准则。
  • 赞助商在提交时要求所有适用的保证(人类受试者,动物福利等)。
  • 涉及分包合同的项目需要为每个分包合同提供以下内容:
    • Scope of work (SOW)
    • Signed letter of intent (LOI)
    • 最终预算
    • 最终预算辩护
    • 合作者的联邦谈判间接成本率协议
  • 不管资金来源如何,在提交之前,子接收处必须通过向SPA提供SPA,以提供符合PHS FCOI法规的认证of the following:
    • Conflict of Interest Disclosure form from each subcontractor
    • 屏幕截图,显示每个子接种在FDP机构交换所. No other action is required.
    • 由授权签署官员签署的LOI或表格,该签署官员对每个分包商的PHS FCOI法规(42 CFR第50部分)的符合

If the application is to be submitted by SPA, it is the PI’s/Department’s responsibility to provide the final science 3 business days prior to agency deadline. The PI/Department should take into account the time needed for unplanned technical issues, system validations, and for SPA to gain access to the system, as well as SPA’s schedule, etc. to ensure that your application is submitted on time.
