

帖子 - 提交材料


Acceptable post-submission materials include:

  • 修订的预算页面(例如,由于新的资金或设备获取设备)
  • 传记草图(例如,由于招聘,替换或丢失了研究者)
  • 由于自然灾害(例如,动物殖民地的丧失)调整所导致的调整,由机构变化引起的调整,招聘,替换或损失调整的调整,支持或协作信[例如,计划主管/首席调查员(PD/PI)移动而导致的调整。提交申请后,NIH干细胞登记册的任何PD/PI或高级/关键人员批准的专业晋升或积极任期决定的新闻]NOT-OD-12-111)
  • 在定义的限制内,视频用时间元素演示了设备和实验数据,这是指需要展示某事物如何随着时间的推移或演示运动或变化的方式。申请人必须遵循指示NOT-OD-12-141提交视频以伴随赠款申请
  • Other post-submission materials specified in the FOA for which the application was submitted or in a special Guide Notice.
  • News of an article accepted for publication since submission of the application, which must include only:
    • List of authors and institutional affiliations
    • Title of the article
    • Journal or citation (if available)



  • 更新的特定目的或研究策略页面。beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • 后期的研究结果。beplay苹果手机能用吗

All post-submission materials must conform to NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH policies on font size, margins, and paper size as referenced in the applicable application instructions.

  • Any specified formats (e.g., budgets, biographical sketches) and page limits referenced in the applicable application instructions apply.
  • If post-submission material is not required on a specific format page and does not have a specified page limit, each explanation or letter is limited to one page.
  • If the application has multiple components (subprojects or cores), each subproject or core is allowed explanations or letters, but each explanation or letter is limited to one page.

Post-submission materials must be received by the NIH, AHRQ, or NIOSH Scientific Review Officer (SRO) no later than 30 calendar days prior to the peer review meeting. Post-submission materials will not be accepted if fewer than 30 calendar days remain before the peer review meeting, unless specifically stated otherwise in the FOA for which the application was submitted or in a special Guide Notice.

Concurrence from the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) of the applicant organization is required. Although the post-submission materials may originate from the PD/PI, Contact PD/PI, or organizational officials, the AOR must send the materials directly to the SRO or must send his/her concurrence to the PD/PI who will forward the materials and concurrence to the SRO. A communication from the PD/PI only or with a "cc" to the AOR will not be accepted.


The Principal Investigator (PI) should contact their Scientific Review Officer (SRO) as soon as they become aware of the need to submit additional materials. The SRO should reply with their contact information (email address) and any special requirements for the submission. Often an email will originate from the SRO inviting the PI to submit additional materials.




The Sponsored Programs Administrator will forward the request to the AOR for submission to the SRO, once the post-submission materials meet all of the requirements for content, format, deadlines, and submission process.

The AOR will send the request to the SRO, copy the PI, department representative, and the Sponsored Projects Administrator. It is the responsibility of the PI or departmental representative to follow up on requests to ensure they sent to the SRO.

The SRO is responsible for uploading acceptable materials into the official electronic grant file maintained in the eRA Commons. The PD/PI can check his/her application via the Commons to see these materials in the section titled "Additions for Review". This procedure provides the information to reviewers in a secure manner.
