

Awards are reviewed and, if necessary, negotiated by Pre-award to ensure the terms and conditions are acceptable to the University. Once the terms and conditions of the award have been negotiated, Pre-award will accept the award on behalf of the University.






To set up a grant account efficiently and effectively, Pre-award must have a complete file, including:

  • 赠款奖励/奖励信/分包协议的通知和任何随附的奖励修正案。
  • 填写和签名的R&A表格。
  • A complete PDF copy of the grant application that was submitted to the funding agency or sponsor.
  • 预算(在水疗中心预算模板上)和预算依据,以符合赠款奖励的通知。如果适用,这包括传出的分包合同。赞助的项目管理员可以要求新的和续订的详细预算。在某些情况下,可以要求详细的预算进行延续奖励。应为任何不常见的费用(例如食品,租金和办公用品)提供适当和详细的解释和/或代理商批准。
  • 目前的批准(批准的所有权必须匹配项目标题和申请/奖励文件中的PI),涵盖预算期的开始日期,包括:人类受试者,动物的使用,生物制剂,有害化学物质和放射性化学物质和放射性化学物质和放射性化学药品材料。
  • beplay苹果手机能用吗研究中所有人员的利益认证表格的研究冲突。
  • 保证PI已完成人类受试者保护培训和调查员简报。




To set up an account, the PAF team completes the following steps:

  • 查看设置帐户的请求,以确保设置所需的所有元素已完成。
  • Check the R&A Form for assurances, multiple investigators, multiple departments/schools, cost sharing and appropriate Facilities & Administration rates.
  • 查看预算以确保与该奖项相匹配,并确保所有预算信息都是准确和完整的。
  • 确定基金,学校和组织的类型以建立正确的帐号。
  • Determine if the work is taking placeon or off campusto ensure an accurate indirect cost rate has been assessed.
  • Review all funding agency, institutional, and contractual policies and guidelines in order to administer the account appropriately.
  • 在Peoplesoft FMS中设置UTH赠款面板。这包括完成面板的属性和杂项注释部分,这些部分为PI和部门工作人员提供了有关管理该裁决的条款和条件或准则的摘要。
  • 完成FMS中的预算交易,以确定费用预算和收入预算。
  • Code the award check, if necessary, to identify the right account to receive the funds.
  • Send an email to the PI or organizational manager and other appropriate personnel, including billing and development, informing them that the account has been set up.
  • 更新财务状况报告(FSR)日志,以确保新帐户包含在报告时间表中。
  • Scan the account file into the Documentum imaging system to establish an official electronic record of the account





Guarantee accounts may be established for grants as long as the start date in FMS is not before the start date on the grant award notice. Federal accounts that allow pre-award costs are the exception. In the exception cases the FMS project start date (when spending may begin) should be within 90 days of the start date on the Notice of Grant Award.

Guarantee accounts are not set up on non-federal clinical trial agreements and cannot be set up prior to the effective date of the contract. Contracts do not allow for pre-award spending. Subcontracts off of federal grants may be set up on guarantee as long as the start date matches the start date on the prime institution’s NOGA.

Guarantee accounts are set up for four months with a $0.00 budget. An extension of an additional four months may be requested.




  • PI名称。
  • 项目名称。
  • 赞助商的名字。
  • 估计项目的开始和结束日期。
  • 预计将收到的资金数量。
  • 资金来源(即联邦,州,地方或私人)。
  • 预算池要设置。
  • PI和负责部门或业务官员的批准。

SPA has the created a保证请求模板确保提供正确的信息。


Once all appropriated documentation and information is received, Pre-award will notify Post Award Finance who will set up the guarantee account and notify the department.


Establishing Expenditure Budgets on Clinical Trial Projects

为了限制追溯人事行动和成本转移by allowing expenditures to be charged to the correct fund source, an expenditure budget may be established for clinical trial projects prior to receiving the first payment. (Formerly, these projects were established as cash-basis accounts with ‘zero’ budgets.) Schools/departments requesting an expenditure budget on a clinical trial project are guaranteeing coverage. If payments are not received equal to or greater than the expenditure budget established, the expenses incurred that exceed the revenue will be transferred to an eligible account. The use of the “guarantee” account is advisable if the expense will be incurred by the department regardless of a clinical trial receipt.



  • 根据向部门颁发后奖励财务(PAF)的帐户设置通知,负责的业务官员将要求建立支出预算,最多可在研究总收入总收入中达到三分之一(1/3)。该请求应包括要设置的预算池。

