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A Fee For Service Agreement will be utilized for work requested by an outside party that usually requires specialized equipment, processes, or expertise. UTHealth has no input on the research design (except for methods and processes needed to complete the work), no ownership of data or results, and no rights to publish the results.Typically, UTHealth would be running samples and generating data, or producing a product.


一旦π决心参与research study which will provide funding according to a fixed fee schedule or a milestone schedule, the PI/department will submit the contract to SPA so that the legal terms and conditions of the contract can be negotiated with the sponsor.


  • Submit Word version of Contract to SPA by emailing it
  • 将协议提交给IRB(如果您使用带有个人标识符的临床数据),然后将批准信转发给SPA一旦收到
  • Complete the R&A form, RCOI forms, and budget- submit to SPAclick here
  • 如果需要,请完成覆盖分析文档
  • 路由PI签名的最终协议 - 提交SPA



  • Obtain PI Read and Understood approval (either signature or electronic approval)
  • Route the final agreement with PI signature, if applicable, for institutional signatory to sign. Cannot submit for institutional signature until the below items are received:
    • 与PI签名或电子批准的最终协议。
    • 最终预算的副本。
    • IRB批准的副本。
    • R&A表格由PI和椅子/DMO签名。
    • RCOI表格为R&A表格研究团队成员列出的每个人签名。
  • 水疗中心将发送给合作者以进行完整执行
  • SPA将确保PI拥有完全执行协议的副本,并将保留机构记录的副本。
  • 使用邮政奖励融资来建立该研究的财务帐户。