


  • 42 CFR Part 50: Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for Which Public Health Service Funding Is Sought and Responsible Prospective Contractors; Final Rule
  • "2 CFR 200" eCFR uniform guidance在《联邦法规》的电子法规中,并取代了先前的法规。


  • Account Establishment,授予内部流程;该过程始于预先获得赞助商的协议,并以PAF在FMS中创建帐户结束。
  • 帐户类型: FMS Account Types
  • 行政和财务包:行政与财务(A&F)数据包包括与赠款或合同申请的行政和财务部分有关的所有文件。
  • 事实提议之后: In accordance withHOOP 64,所有寻求研究和其他赞助项目外部支持的提案提交都应在提交之前提交给预告片中审查和批准。beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • 允许成本,资源: Funding from awards must be expended in accordance with governing regulations and agency policy. Pre-award reviews budgets to determine costs are allowable, allocable, and appropriate to grants in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)Circular A-21, the agency’s policies and guidelines, and institutional policy.
  • 授权签署官员: Select employees that have signature authority and are thereby authorized to sign contracts or agreements, either oral or written, on behalf of UTHealth. Contracts and agreements must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate institutional office prior to their execution. No University employee, other than those designated as Authorized Signing Officials, may enter the University into a legal or binding agreement
  • 辅助帐户: FMS Funds 16000 to 17999. These funds are generated by operating entities within the University that provide services as a convenience to students, faculty, or staff or a fee.


  • 预算期刊:FMS功能Used to move the entire year-to-date (YTD) activity or a partial amount of an expense.
  • Budget Transfers: 功能执行将资金从一个预算转移到另一个预算。
  • 预算修改:Grantees are allowed to rebudget within and between budget categories to meet unanticipated needs and to make other types of post-award changes, provided they are for activities in the approved budget period.


      • 职业发展(K)奖获奖者:Career Development (K) Awards为表现出独立研究成就并需要额外经验的个人提供支持,以建立或维持独立的研究计划。beplay苹果手机能用吗
      • Clinical Trial,NIH:一项研究beplay苹果手机能用吗研究,其中一个或多个人类受试者被前瞻性分配给一种或多种干预措施(可能包括安慰剂或其他控制),以评估这些干预措施对与健康相关的生物医学或行为结果的影响。
      • 临床研究beplay苹果手机能用吗, NIH: Research with human subjects that is:

      Patient-oriented research. Research conducted with human subjects (or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens, and cognitive phenomena) for which an investigator (or colleague) directly interacts with human subjects. Excluded from this definition are in vitro studies that utilize human tissues that cannot be linked to a living individual. It includes: (a) mechanisms of human disease, (b), therapeutic interventions, (c) clinical trials, or (d) development of new technologies.

      Epidemiological and behavioral studies.

      Outcomes research and health services research


      • 首席研究员的定义(PI): Principal Investigator (PI, also referred to as Program Director or Project Director) - The one individual designated by the applicant organization to direct the project or program to be supported by the grant. The PI is responsible and accountable to the applicant organization officials for the proper conduct of the project or program.
      • 共同评估器的定义(合作者): Co-Investigator (Collaborator) - An individual involved with the principal investigator in the scientific development or execution of the project. These individuals typically devote a specific percent of effort to the project and are identified as key personnel. The individual(s) may be employed by, or affiliated with, the grantee organization or an organization participating in the project under a consortium or contractual agreement.
      • 指定帐户Funds for receipt and use of unrestricted funds which have been "designated" for specific purposes by the University.


      • ECC: (Employee Compensation Compliance) is the on-line effort certification system used to facilitate UT Health’s effort reporting process. In addition, it can be used by departmental administrators to monitor payroll distributions.Effort Certification and Reporting Technology (ecrt®) is a web-based system that integrates financial, payroll, and research administrative functions and is designed to enhance compliance management, improve financial information for academic units through comprehensive reporting, and significantly reduce the administrative burden of the effort reporting process.
      • Effort: The reasonable estimate of work performed by the employee on a sponsored project during the period covered by the effort report. Effort is based on total institutional activities and does not assume a 40-hour work week or any other standard work week. Effort worked during the period must support any amount compensated. To ensure this, effort must be greater than or equal to funding during the period. If effort is greater than funding,成本分摊可能需要报告。
      • Effort Statement/Card: Effort Card/Statement: Screen portraying an individual’s salary and effort distribution for an effort report period that will be certified. It documents the proportion of total effort devoted by an employee to each account. When certified, the effort card is the official verification of effort attributed to and salary paid by a sponsored project. Salary paid by a sponsored project may not be greater than effort, and is subject to sponsor-imposed salary caps.

      An effort card must be completed by someone with suitable means of verification of the effort expended on a project. This may be the individual or it may be the direct supervisor. Confirmation of the effort expended must be made by a Primary Individual on the project (see definition below). A Supporting Individual may not confirm the effort expended on the effort report.

      • 教育/教学补助金:外部赞助商的教育赠款是支持专业教育活动的宝贵资金来源,例如医学教育计划,大回合讲座,科学会议和出版物的发展。
      • 时代下议院:时代下议院是在线界面AHRQandCDC,可以访问和共享与研究赠款有关的管理信息。beplay苹果手机能用吗


      • F&A成本率协议(Indirect Costs): Mechanism used to reimburse the University for the Infrastructure Support costs associated with sponsored research and other sponsored projects.
      • FDP Institutional ClearinghouseThe Federal Demonstration Partnership is a cooperative initiative among 10 federal agencies and 154 institutional recipients of federal funds for Phase VI.
      • 财务状况报告(FSR)- A financial report due 90 days after the end of each budget period for those awards not under SNAP, and at the end of the competitive segment for those awards under SNAP, showing the status of awarded funds for that period.


      • 赠款: Grants are sponsored projects that are typically awarded to the University in response to a detailed statement of work, usually supported by both a project schedule and a line-item budget, both of which are essential to financial accountability. The purpose of a grant is to transfer money or anything of value to a recipient in order to accomplish a public purpose. Grants can support research, training and educational activities, travel, and conferences. Pre-award must review all sponsored projects grant applications and proposal submissions prior to submission to the agency.
      • 礼物:定义箍203,这是由捐助者向大学提供的实物贡献,除了大学为任何相互符合的目的而付出的捐款外,没有任何收益。
      • Guarantee Account: Account type that is setup for new and renewal projects prior to receiving the official notification of the award or execution of the contract. Setting up an account before an award is received allows expenditures to be charged to the correct project and therefore limitscost transfersand追溯人事行动.


      • 赞助项目管理的箍/大学政策: The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston ("university") Handbook of Operating Procedures or HOOP. The HOOP contains the official policies for the university.
      • Human Subjects:进行研究的研究人员通过干预或相互作用(无论是否可识别)或私人信息通过干预或相互作用获得数据(包括组织,标本和认知现象)beplay苹果手机能用吗。


      • 间接成本率:IDC利率是经过联邦批准的税率,用于偿还项目的设施和行政费用
      • 间接费用豁免模板: A waiver or reduction of Indirect costs (IDC) associated with a grant proposal, award, or contact, may be requested in extraordinary circumstances.
      • Institutional Information:包含common institutional data required by sponsors and needed for proposals.


      • 吉特(刚加入): The JIT feature of the eRA Commons allows an authorized signing official (ASO) to electronically submit additional grant application information when requested by the grantor agency. The additional information is requested after a peer review of a grant application has been completed and prior to funding. Requests may come in the form of eRA-system generated e-mails or contact made directly from the awarding agency via e-mail and/or phone.


      • Key PersonnelIn addition to the principal investigator, Key Personnel are defined as individuals who contribute in a substantive, measurable way to the scientific development or execution of the project, whether or not salaries are requested. Typically, these individuals have doctoral or other professional degrees.


      • 实验室研究/实验室测试协议:当赞助商希望研究者分析样本并为其提供与样本相关的结果或其他科学信息时,通常使用实验室研究协议(LSA)。这项工作可能会导致协议中定义的新知识产权。
      • 当赞助商请求研究者对样本进行例行测试并在没有分析的情况下将结果还给它们时,使用实验室测试协议(LTA)。这种类型的协议没有新的知识产权。
      • Ledgers: Understanding Ledgers
      • Limited Submissions:有限的提交是限制合格机构申请数量的赠款机会。在这些情况下,Uthealth将在此页面上发布机会,因为它们可用,并指定发起内部竞争以选择大学申请人所需的要求。


      • Master Agreements(UT System): These agreements are available as starting points for negotiations with particular research sponsors for clinical and, in some cases, preclinical or other types of studies. Faculty members are welcomed to use these documents as starting points; however, all contracts must be processed through the appropriate office at each UT institution.
      • Material Transfer/Data Use Agreements: A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) or Data Use Agreement (DUA) is a contract that establishes terms and conditions governing the transfer of research-related materials or data between the University and another institution or company. An MTA or DUA between a providing entity and a receiving entity should be fully-executed before any materials or data are sent or received.
      • Modular Grant Applications, NIH: The Modular Grant concept establishes specific modules or increments in which direct costs must be requested, as well as a maximum level for requested budgets of $250,000 direct costs per year (excluding any consortium F&A costs). The Modular Grant application does not require a categorical breakdown of direct costs requested in the application; however, other requirements still apply. Application directions should be reviewed for specific modular instructions.
      • Multi PI:Multi-PD/PI选项为寻求支持团队科学方法的项目或活动的研究人员提供了一个重要的机会。此选项专门针对那些不适合单PD/PI模型的项目,因此旨在补充并且不取代传统的单个PD/PI模型。总体目标是最大程度地发挥团队科学努力的潜力,以应对21世纪的挑战和机遇。


      • No Cost Extension,预先归功于:无成本扩展(NCE)是赠款终止日期的正式扩展日期,它为完成项目的范围和目标提供了时间,而没有赞助商提供的额外资金。尽管可能不会出于支出剩余资金的唯一目的提出要求,但您可能会在无成本延期期间支出剩余的资金。所有NCE的请求必须在赠款到期之前批准。


      • Other Significant Contributors:此类别确定了致力于为该项目的科学开发或执行做出贡献但没有为该项目付出任何可衡量的努力的个人。这些人通常以零百分比的努力或需要表现出来。这些人将需要一个Biosketch,包括研究支beplay苹果手机能用吗持信息,因为这突出了他们作为科学家的成就。但是,如果要颁发裁决,则不需要或接受其他重要贡献者的其他支持信息,因为重叠的考虑不适用于这些人。如果在此类别中列出的个人的参与变化级别,则应将其重新指定为关键人员。
      • OMB圆形A-21:OMB A-21解决了教育机构的联邦成本原则。


      • 人员的行为: Personnel costs comprise the bulk of costs associated with most projects and effective personnel oversight can alleviate many of the issues most often encountered in contract and grant management. Timely application of personnel costs and/or necessary changes for personnel affects effective project budget use and the effort reporting process, so getting a handle on the distribution of personnel can save much time and effort in the future.



      • R&A表格:一帆风顺形式内部形式所需所有sponsored research projects (exclusive of Non-NIH continuations/progress reports). R&As must be submitted to SPA for all grant proposals and applications, and for all industry-sponsored projects.
      • Relinquishing Statement: A Relinquishing Statement is required as part of the Change of Institution process that allows an extramural grantee institution to transfer an active grant to another institution. The process is initiated by the Signing Official of the institution that holds the award, who submits a Relinquishing Statement in eRA Commons and identifies the institution that will take over the award.
      • Residual Balance: The Residual Balance Procedure establishes an institutional procedure for residual revenue earned on restricted fixed-price or fee-for-service contracts.
      • Retroactive Personnel Actions, HOOP: A Retroactive Personnel Action is any personnel action that affects a prior payroll period (箍96). It is the policy of the University to assure that submitting and processing Retro PAs that affect funding, salary, or position is truly on an exception basis only. It is also the policy of the University to assure that all Retro PAs are accurate and in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
      • 罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is a philanthropy dedicated solely to health. They fund program and policy initiatives in four areas which are each critical to health equity. There are resources which help to keepRWJF适当了解赠款活动,并更有效地进行项目。
      • RPPR - Research Performance Progress Report:授予者使用RPPR将进度报告在其赠款奖中提交进度报告。此页面提供了年度RPPR,最终RPPR和临时RPPR的概述,并提供了资源来帮助您了解如何提交进度报告。


      • 薪金上限:一项立法规定的条款,限制了直接工资(也称为薪金或机构基本工资,但不包括任何附带福利和F&A费用),用于从事NIH赠款,合作协议奖励以及校外研究与发展合同的个人。beplay苹果手机能用吗
      • 次级竞争与供应商:子接收:一个实体,该实体支出从通行证实体获得的奖励来执行项目。根据A-133andA-81, a subrecipient relationship exists when funding from a pass-through entity is provided to perform a portion of the scope of work or objectives of the pass-through entity’s award agreement with the awarding agency. A pass-through entity is an entity that provides an award to a subrecipient to carry out a project.
      • 补充材料: Post-submission grant application materials are those submitted after the agency deadline but prior to the initial peer review. This option is used when an unexpected event such as the departure of a participant, natural disaster, etc., has occurred, but should not be used to correct oversights or errors discovered after submission of the application. Refer to NIH noticeNOT-OD-10-115想要查询更多的信息。


      • Transfer In: New University faculty may bring grant or contract awards with them when they join the institution. In such a transfer, both Pre-Award andPAF(宣布)协助不同的能力。
      • 旅行限制,努力:鼓励教师及时认证努力卡,以确保遵守UTHealth,UT系统以及联邦政策和法规。为教师提供了30天的认证期,以证明他们在上六个月的报告期间的努力。30天认证窗口关闭后,将在未偿还的努力认证卡上实施旅行限制。这些限制将包括大学资金旅行或使用大学时间。