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On January 25th, 2023, the new Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy announced by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will become effective. The DMS policy requires all grant applications and proposals to include a DMS plan describing how scientific data generated or used in NIH funded research will be managed and shared. Both new and competing renewals, will need to include a DMS plan, have costs accounted for in the budget, and have progress shared with NIH in annual reports.

The purpose for the new NIH DMS policy is to foster good data stewardship and promote a cultural shift where good data management and data sharing are the norm. Proper data management and sharing enables the scientific community to verify, extend, and build upon research results.

To support the institution and its investigators in their efforts of data stewardship, UTHealth Houston is creating a de novo system to support proper data management and sharing. Research data will be cataloged with essential project metadata and persistent identifiers in the institutional Data Ecosystem Portal for UTHealth Houston (DEPUT). DEPUT will serve primarily as the institutional research data portal supported by UTHealth Houston for DMS validation, data curation, and streamlined data transfer to appropriate data archives for long-term storage and accessibility. As a secondary function, DEPUT will serve as a data repository for data types that do not have an NIH-recognized data archive or suitable public data archives for data deposition until one becomes available.

For the official policy see:NOT-OD-21-013‘Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing’


All new and competing grant proposals must include a plan based on the NIH DMS form template. The plan requires six elements including: (1) data type; (2) related tools, software, and/or code; (3) data standards; (4) data preservation, access, and associated timelines; (5) access, distribution, and reuse considerations; (6) oversight of data management and sharing.

NIH为编写DMS计划提供了全面的指导,该计划详细描述了每个元素Writing a Data Management & Sharing Plan部分。


  • NIH has developed an optional DMS Plan format page that aligns with the recommended elements of a DMS Plan. UTHealth has added some guidance to assist investigators in completing this template
    • NIH strongly encourages the use of established repositories to the extent possible. When using an established repository please use thisWord Template.
    • If an established data repository does not suit the proposed project and the investigator needs to use DEPUT’s data repository feature, please use thisWord Template其中包括元素4的一些指导。
  • DMPTool: Investigators can use this free customized template tool to assist in drafting a DMS plan. (DMPTOOL教程)
    • When using the DMPTool, UTHealth recommends the following language:

元素6: ‘Oversight of Data Management and Sharing’:

Uthealth Houston的执行副总裁兼首席学术官(EVP/CAO)和数据科学办公室(ODS)办公室将为DMS计划提供联合机构监督。这项研究产生的数据集将通过基本的项目元数据和持续的标识符进行分beplay苹果手机能用吗类,并在Uthealth Houston(副)的机构数据生态系统门户网站中进行分类。代表是Uthealth Houston支持DMS验证,beplay苹果手机能用吗数据策展和简化数据传输到适当数据档案的机构研究数据门户,以进行长期存储和可访问性。PI项目将在代表中更新数据状态,并将根据DMS计划执行赞助项目管理(SPA)的身份验证。验证结果将报告给EVP/CAO和ODS进行审查。差距(如果有)将通过实施适当的纠正措施来识别。

元素4: ‘Data Preservation, Access, and Associated Timelines’:(当使用deput作为数据门户和数据存储库时)

A. Repository where scientific data and metadata will be archived:

The institutional Data Ecosystem Portal for UTHealth Houston (DEPUT) will serve as the data repository for data types that do not have an NIH-recognized data archive or suitable public data archives for data deposition.


Persistent identifiers, seeded with essential project metadata, will be generated using our institutional DEPUT portal (see Element 6) with direct links to the file locations in the data archive. These identifiers with associated project metadata will be made publically available.

C. When and how long the scientific data will be made available:

Data will be made available as soon as possible or at the time of associated publication.

For full plan element details please see:NOT-OD-21-014“对NIH数据管理和共享的补充信息:NIH数据管理和共享计划的要素”


Costs associated with data management and sharing incurred during the performance period can now be charged as direct costs. You must include a brief justification of the proposed activities outlined in the DMS Plan that will incur costs. Include a brief summary of type and amount of scientific data to be preserved and shared, the name of the established repository(ies) to be used, and general cost categories. The recommended length of the justification should be no more than half a page. This justification must be labeled as "Data Management and Sharing Justification".

UTHealth is requiring PIs to include the following minimum budgets. Add any additional costs as needed for your proposal such as repository fees; formatting data according to accepted community standards; de-identifying data; preparing metadata to foster discoverability, interpretation, etc.

Sample Language for minimum budgeting requirements

This project includes the following costs associated with data management and sharing:

1. Curating data and developing supporting documentation,such as formatting data for transmission to and storage at a selected repository for long-term preservation and access. Data ScienceLibrarian support fee $350/ annually

2.本地数据管理和监督:这项研究产生的数据集将通过基本的项目元数据和持续的标识符进行分beplay苹果手机能用吗类,并在Uthealth Houston(副)的机构数据生态系统门户网站中进行分类。代表是Uthealth Houston支持DMS验证,beplay苹果手机能用吗数据策展和简化数据传输到适当数据档案的机构研究数据存储库,以进行长期存储和可访问性。代理支持费$ 350/每年

3. Preserving and sharing data:用于使数据可用和可访问所需的数据存储的云存储费。AWS亚马逊简单存储服务(Amazon S3)估计成本为$300/Terabyte annually


有关其他详细信息,请参阅:NOT-OD-21-015‘Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing



  • NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Website
  • NOT-OD-21-013:Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
  • NOT-OD-21-014:Supplemental Information to the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing: Elements of an NIH Data Management and Sharing Plan
  • NOT-OD-21-015:对NIH的数据管理和共享政策的补充信息:数据管理和共享的允许成本
  • NOT-OD-21-016:对NIH政策进行数据管理和共享的补充信息:选择由NIH支持的研究产生的数据存储库beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • NOT-OD-22-189:Implementation Details for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy
  • DMPTool:Free online tool that walks researchers through the process of drafting a data management and sharing plan that aligns with funding agency requirements
  • Sample NIH DMS plans:这些是出于教育目的提供的,以帮助申请人制定计划
  • Writing a Data Management & Sharing Plan: Comprehensive guidance on writing a DMS plan that describes each of the recommended elements in detail
  • 选择数据存储库的指南NIH encourages researchers to select quality data repositories that improve the FAIRness (Findable, accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable of the data.



