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A中风or a brain attack occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel or when a blood vessel bursts, interrupting blood flow to an area of the brain. Anischemic stroke当血管阻塞时发生。这是最常见的中风类型。Ahemorrhagic stroke(brain bleed) occurs when a blood vessels breaks. This type of stroke is less common.

What happens to the brain when a stroke occurs?

The brain needs oxygen in the blood to survive, when the blood flow is disrupted, the cells in the part of the brain that were receiving this blood can die. These cells usually die within minutes to a few hours after the stroke starts. When cells die, chemicals are released that can cause even more cells to die. This is why there is a small window of opportunity for treatment of ischemic stroke.



For example, someone who has a small stroke may experience only minor effects such as weakness of an arm or leg. On the other hand, someone who has a larger stroke may be left paralyzed on one side or lose his/her ability to express and process language. Some people recover completely from less serious strokes, while other individuals lose their lives to very severe strokes.


Risk factors are medical conditions or lifestyle practices that can increase one’s chance of having a stroke. Risk factors can be modifiable (things we can change) or non-modifiable (things we cannot change).

  • Non-modificable risk factors include age, race, and gender.
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure) is the most important modifiable risk factor for both types of stroke.
  • Other important risk factors include tobacco use, diabetes, high cholesterol, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, drug use, and excess alcohol intake.
  • Atrial fibrillation, an abnormal heart rhythm that causes clots to develop in the heart is another important risk factor for stroke, especially among those of older age.

全球地图显示了中风发生的终生风险(以%),男女合并,2016年。Source: N Engl J Med. 2018 Dec 20; 379(25): 2429–2437. Published online 2018 Dec 20. doi:10.1056/nejmoa1804492



  • 脸部,手臂或腿的突然麻木或弱点,尤其是在身体的一侧
  • 突然混淆,说话麻烦或理解
  • 突然的一只或两只眼睛看到
  • 突然走路,头晕,失去平衡或协调
  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause

Other important but less common stroke symptoms:

  • Sudden nausea and vomiting
  • Brief loss of consciousness or period of decreased consciousness (fainting, confusion, convulsions or coma)



New Acronym Identifies Signs of Stroke for Hispanic Community

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Stroke Treatment

The only FDA approved treatment for ischemic stroke is a medication calledtissue plasminogen activator (tPA)。这种“大脑节省”治疗溶解了导致中风的凝块。这种药物只能在中风开始后的4.5小时内通过IV给药。给药越早,将氧气恢复到垂死的大脑以防止更多损害的机会越好。根据发生的出血性(出血)中风的类型,包括手术在内的治疗选择不同。

Stroke Prevention


Decreasing your risk

  • Identify and treat high blood pressure
  • Identify and treat diabetes
  • 停止吸烟
  • Identify and treat high cholesterol
  • 如果您的医生建议服用血液稀释剂
  • Exercise regularly ( more than 30 minutes most days of the week)
  • 避免饮食中的高钠和多余的脂肪,以保持健康的体重并防止高血压和糖尿病的发展

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) – NOT a “mini stroke”

A瞬态缺血发作(TIA)occurs when there is momentary loss of blood flow to an area of the brain. Because the blood flow is restored on its own, the symptoms of stroke go away on their own after minutes to hours. A TIA is a sign that a stroke may occur and is therefore as dangerous as a stroke. We avoid the use of the term “mini-stroke” because it minimizes the importance of a TIA. There is a high risk of stroke in the days, weeks, and months after a TIA. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as signs of the TIA occur. The signs of TIA and risk factors for TIA are the same as for stroke. A stroke can be prevented if risk factors are adequately assessed and managed after a TIA occurs.

Stroke Transitions Education and Prevention (STEP) Clinic

The STEP clinic was developed in order to address the multiple needs of patients and caregivers after a stroke or TIA occurs. The clinic takes an integrated approach to post-stroke care by providing education, risk factor screening and management, and assessment and treatment of post-stroke complication. We also connect patients and caregivers to our partner clinics, community programs, and community resources that help address post-stroke needs.

STEP Clinic Brochure

Contact for more information

Anjail Sharrief, MD / MPH
Stroke Prevention Division Lead Director

Munachi Okpala,RN NP
Community Outreach Organizer

访问我们的临床中风服务page for more resources and information.
