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UTHealth中风和脑血管疾病研究所教师:最近的出版物(2020 - 2022)

  • RN詹妮弗·波博士
    • 波,j·e·S。比利亚雷亚尔,Y。,Leal anc。萨维茨,美国。,& Sharrief, A. (2022). Reflections on Obstacles to Stroke Awareness in Spanish-Speaking Hispanic Populations: Lost in Translation.《神经科学杂志》上护理:美国神经科学协会护士,54(6),228 - 230。DOI: 10.1097 / JNN.0000000000000674。

    • 卡斯特罗。,Leal, A. A., Montiel, T. C., Sharrief, A., Denny, M. C., & Beauchamp, J. E. S. (2022). RAPIDO: Promoting stroke awareness among Spanish speakers.护理,52(1)46-50。https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NURSE.0000803488.93481.a2
    • Daundasekara, S。波,J。E. S., & Hernandez, D. C. (2021). Parenting stress mediates the longitudinal effect of maternal depression on child anxiety/depressive symptoms.情感障碍杂志》,295年,33-39。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2021.08.002
    • 纳,即。,Montiel, T. C., Bittar, Y., Hunter, N., Okpala, M., Johnson, C., Weiner, M. G., Savitz, S., Sharrief, A., & Beauchamp, J. E. S. (2021). Internet Access and Usage Among Stroke Survivors and Their Informal Caregivers: Cross-sectional Study.JMIR造型的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗,5(3)e25123。https://doi.org/10.2196/25123
    • Achilike, S。,波,j·e·S。Cron, s G。Okpala, M。,Payen, S. S., Baldridge, L., Okpala, N., Montiel, T. C., Varughese, T., Love, M., Fagundes, C., Savitz, S., & Sharrief, A. (2020). Caregiver Burden and Associated Factors Among Informal Caregivers of Stroke Survivors.《神经科学杂志》上护理:美国神经科学协会护士,52(6),277 - 283。https://doi.org/10.1097/JNN.0000000000000552
    • Daundasekara, S。舒勒,b R。波,J。E. S., & Hernandez, D. C. (2021). The mediating effect of parenting stress and couple relationship quality on the association between material hardship trajectories and maternal mental health status.情感障碍杂志》,290年,31 - 39。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2021.04.058
    • 爱,m F。,Wood, G. L., Wardell, D. W., & Beauchamp, J. E. S. (2021). Resilience and associated psychological, social/cultural, behavioural, and biological factors in patients with cardiovascular disease: A systematic review.欧洲心血管护理杂志:《工作组心血管护理欧洲心脏病学会的,20.(6),604 - 617。https://doi.org/10.1093/eurjcn/zvaa008
    • 波,J.E.S.,Casameni Montiel T., Cai, C., Tallavajhula, S., Hinojosa, E., Okpala, M.N., Vahidy, F. S., Savitz, S.I., Sharrief, A.Z. (2020).回顾性研究识别小说中风后焦虑的相关因素中风和脑血管疾病杂志》上。DOI: 10.1016 / j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2019.104582
    • 弗尔涅,l·E。,波,j·e·S。张,X。,Bonojo, E., Love, M., Cooksey, G., Hinojosa, E., Okpala, M. N., Savitz, S. I., & Sharrief, A. Z. (2020). Assessment of the Progression of Poststroke Depression in Ischemic Stroke Patients Using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9.中风和脑血管疾病杂志》:美国中风协会的官方杂志,29日(4),104561年。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2019.104561
    • 爱,年报,年代harrief, A., LoBiondo-Wood, G., Cron S.G., & Beauchamp E.S. (2020). The Effects of Meditation, Race, and Anxiety on Stroke Survivor Resilience. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. DOI: 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000509
    • Reddy, s T。Satani, N。,波,j·e·S。、一位年代。Rajan S。,Rahbar, M. H., Tahanan, A., Kim, S., Holder, T., Jiang, X., Chen, L., Kamal, H., Indupuru, H. K. R., Wu, T.-C., & Savitz, S. I. (2021). A meta-analysis of the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on stroke care & the Houston Experience.《神经病学临床和转化,8(4),929 - 937。https://doi.org/10.1002/acn3.51322
    • 罗迪斯,b D。,波,j·e·S。Engebretson, J。C., & Wardell, D. W. (2020). Influencing factors on left ventricular assist device adaptation: A systematic review.心脏和肺:急救护理杂志》上,49(5),501 - 511。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrtlng.2020.01.015
    • 斯特,b P。,Wardell, D. W., LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Beauchamp, J. E. S. (2020). Interdependence of physical and psychological morbidity among patients with cancer and family caregivers: Review of the literature.Psycho-Oncology,29日(6),974 - 989。https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.5382


    • 非国大Leal,。卡斯特罗,。,Kadiyala,A., Casameni Montiel, T., Beauchamp, J., Sharrief, A., Denny, C. (August 2020). Video-based Stroke Education: Stroke Messaging for Spanish-speakers. Virtual 4th Annual International Neuroscience Nursing Research Symposium (INNRS). First place for best poster.
  • 亚历杭德罗沙乌耳氏博士
    • 辛克莱,k . L。Kiser E。,Ratcliff, C. G., Chaoul, A., Hall, M. H., Rinpoche, T. W., & Cohen, L. (2022). Sleep moderates the effects of Tibetan yoga for women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy.支持性护理在癌症:跨国协会的官方杂志的支持性护理癌症https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520 - 022 - 06861 - 6
    • 妈妈,美国K。,Bhuiyan, N., Chaoul, A., Cohen, L., Fagundes, C. P., Hoover, D. S., Strong, L. L., Li, Y., Nguyen, N. T., & McNeill, L. H. (2020). Feasibility and acceptability of a faith-based mind-body intervention among African American adults.转化行为医学,10(4),928 - 937。https://doi.org/10.1093/tbm/iby114
    • 爱,m F。,年代harrief, A., Chaoul, A., Savitz, S., & Beauchamp, J. E. S. (2019). Mind-Body Interventions, Psychological Stressors, and Quality of Life in Stroke Survivors.中风,50(2),434 - 440。DOI: 10.1161 / STROKEAHA.118.021150。
  • 克里斯托弗Fagundes博士
    • Fagundes, c·P。,胡忠,e . L。,& Christian, L. M. (2022). Special Issue: Social Determinants of Health: What we still need to know.心理神经内分泌学,140年,105713年。DOI: 10.1016 / j.psyneuen.2022.105713。

    • 布朗,r . L。,LeRoy, A. S., Chen, M. A., Suchting, R., Jaremka, L. M., Liu, J., Heijnen, C., & Fagundes, C. P. (2022) Grief Symptoms Promote Inflammation During Acute Stress Among Bereaved Spouses.心理科学,33(6),859 - 873。DOI: 10.1177 / 09567976211059502。

    • 胡忠,e . L。Leal, s . L。,Denny, B. T., Cheng, S. L., & Fagundes, C. P. (2022). Spousal caregiving, widowhood, and cognition: A systematic review and a biopsychosocial framework for understanding the relationship between interpersonal losses and dementia risk in older adulthood.神经科学和生物行为的评论,134年,104487年。DOI: 10.1016 / j.neubiorev.2021.12.010。

    • 麦迪逊,A。Andridge, R。,乔舒亚·m·R。,Renna, M. E., Bennett, J. M., Jaremka, L. M., Fagundes, C. P., Belury, M. A., Malarkey, W. B., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (2022). Frequent Interpersonal Stress and Inflammatory Reactivity Predict Depressive-Symptom Increases: Two Tests of the Social-Signal-Transduction Theory of Depression.心理科学,33(1),152 - 164。DOI: 10.1177 / 09567976211031225。

    • 陈,m·A。,布朗,r . L。,Chen, J. Y., de Dios, M. A., Green, C. E., Heijnen, C. J., & Fagundes, C. P. (2022). Childhood maltreatment, subjective social status, and health disparities in bereavement.心理神经内分泌学,135年,105595年。DOI: 10.1016 / j.psyneuen.2021.105595。

    • 布朗,r . L。,Fagundes, c·P。金缕梅,j . F。,& Christian, L. M. (2021). Longitudinal changes in HRV across pregnancy and postpartum: Effect of negative partner relationship qualities.心理神经内分泌学,129年,105216年。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105216
    • 吴,e . L。,LeRoy, A. S., Heijnen, C. J., & Fagundes, C. P. (2021). Inflammation and future depressive symptoms among recently bereaved spouses.心理神经内分泌学,128年,105206年。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105206
    • 布朗,r . L。,Shahane, a D。陈,m。,& Fagundes, C. P. (2020). Cognitive reappraisal and nasal cytokine production following experimental rhinovirus infection.大脑、行为和免疫-健康,1https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbih.2019.100012
    • Fagundes, c·P。,& Wu, E. L. (2020). Matters of the heart: Grief, morbidity, and mortality.心理科学当前的方向,29日(3),235 - 241。https://doi.org/10.1177/0963721420917698
    • 西勒,。,年代ood, A. K., Jenewein, J., & Fagundes, C. P. (2020). Can stress promote the pathophysiology of brain metastases? A critical review of biobehavioral mechanisms.大脑、行为和免疫力,87年,860 - 880。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2019.12.013
    • Shahane, a D。勒罗伊,a。丹尼,b . T。,& Fagundes, C. P. (2020). Connecting cognition, cardiology, and chromosomes: Cognitive reappraisal impacts the relationship between heart rate variability and telomere length in CD8+CD28- cells.心理神经内分泌学,112年,104517年。https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.104517
    • Garcini, l . M。、棕色、r . L。陈,m。Saucedo, L。菲特,a . M。,你们,P。,Ziauddin K., & Fagundes, C. P. (2021). Bereavement among widowed Latinos in the United States: A systematic review of methodology and findings.死亡研究,45(5),342 - 353。DOI: 10.1080 / 07481187.2019.1648328。

    • 乔舒亚·m·R。,Renna, M. E., Madison, A. A., Jaremka, L. M., Fagundes, C. P., Malarkey, W. B., & Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K. (2020). Cortisol slopes and conflict: A spouse's perceived stress matters.心理神经内分泌学,121年,104839年。DOI: 10.1016 / j.psyneuen.2020.104839。

    • Suglia, s F。,Campo, R. A., Brown, A. G. M., Stoney, C., Boyce, C. A., Appleton, A. A., Bleil, M. E., Boynton-Jarrett, R., Dube, S. R., Dunn, E. C., Ellis, B. J., Fagundes, C. P., Heard-Garris, N. J., Jaffee, S. R., Johnson, S. B., Mujahid, M. S., Slopen, N., Su, S., & Watamura, S. E. (2020). Social Determinants of Cardiovascular Health: Early Life Adversity as a Contributor to Disparities in Cardiovascular Diseases.的《儿科学》杂志上,219年,267 - 273。DOI: 10.1016 / j.jpeds.2019.12.063。

    • Garcini, l . M。陈,m。、棕色、R。,LeRoy, A. S., Cano, M. A., Peek, K., & Fagundes, C. (2020). "Abrazame Que Ayuda" (Hug Me, It Helps): Social Support and the Effect of Perceived Discrimination on Depression among US- and Foreign-Born Latinxs in the USA.种族和民族健康杂志》上的差异,7(3),481 - 487。DOI: 10.1007 / s40615 - 019 - 00676 - 8。

  • 詹妮弗·休斯博士
    • 休斯,j·B。,& Hellmann, J. J. (2005). The application of rarefaction techniques to molecular inventories of microbial diversity.方法酶学,397年,292 - 308。https://doi.org/10.1016/s0076 - 6879 (05) 97017 - 1
    • Horner-Devine, m . C。拉赫,M。,休斯,j·B。,& Bohannan, B. J. (2004). A taxa-area relationship for bacteria.自然,432年(7018),750 - 753。https://doi.org/10.1038/nature03073
    • Bohannan, b . J。克尔,B。,Jessup, C. M., Hughes, J. B., & Sandvik, G. (2002). Trade-offs and coexistence in microbial microcosms.安东尼·范·列文虎克,81年(1 - 4),107 - 115。https://doi.org/10.1023/a: 1020585711378
    • 艾夫斯,a。R。,& Hughes, J. B. (2002). General relationships between species diversity and stability in competitive systems.美国博物学家,159年(4),388 - 395。https://doi.org/10.1086/338994
    • 休斯,j·B。,& Roughgarden, J. (2000). Species Diversity and Biomass Stability.美国博物学家,155年(5),618 - 627。https://doi.org/10.1086/303348
  • Anjail Sharrief博士英里

    • Varughese, T。,Casameni Montiel T., Engebretson, J., Savitz, S. I., Sharrief, A., & Beauchamp, J. E. S. (2022). A Person-Centered Approach Understanding Stroke Survivor and Family Caregiver Emotional Health.神经科学杂志》上护理:美国神经科学护士协会杂志》上,54(2),68 - 73。DOI: 10.1097 / JNN.0000000000000640。

    • 爱,m F。,Brooks, A. N., Cox, S. D., Okpala, M., Cooksey, G., Cohen, A. S., & Sharrief, A. Z. (2022). The effects of racism and resilience on Black stroke- survivor quality of life: Study protocol and rationale for a mixed-methods approach.神经学前沿,13,885374年。DOI: 10.3389 / fneur.2022.885374。

    • 沙玛,M。,年代mith, E. E., Pearce, L. A., Shoamanesh, A., Perera, K. S., Coutts, S. B., Damgaard, D., Ameriso, S. F., Rha, J. H., Modrau, B., Yoon, B. W., Romano, M., Messé, S. R., Barlinn, J., Lambeck, J., Saad, F., Berkowitz, S. D., Mundl, H., Connolly, S. J., Hart, R. G., & NAVIGATE ESUS MIND MRI Substudy Investigators. (2022). Frequency and Patterns of Brain Infarction in Patients With Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source: NAVIGATE ESUS Trial.中风,53(1)45-52。DOI: 10.1161 / STROKEAHA.120.032976。

    • 菲菲,j . T。,Nguyen, T. N., Song, S., Sharrief, A., Pujara, D. K., Shaker, F., Fournier, L. E., Jones, E. M., Lechtenberg, C. G., Slavin, S. J., Ifejika, N. L., Diaz, M. V., Martin-Schild, S., Schaafsma, J., Tsai, J. P., Alexandrov, A. W., Tjoumakaris, S. I., Sarraj, A., & SELECT Investigators. (2022). Sex differences in endovascular thrombectomy outcomes in large vessel occlusion: a propensity-matched analysis from the SELECT study.Neurointerventional外科杂志》,018348年。DOI: 10.1136 / neurintsurg - 2021 - 018348。

    • 丹尼,m . C。,Ancer Leal A., Montiel, T. C., Wynne, K., Edquilang, G., Vu, K. Y. T., Vahidy, F., Savitz, S. I., Beauchamp, J. E. S., & Sharrief, A. Z. (2022). Stroke Literacy Video for Patients and Families: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Prevention.JMIR造型的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗。DOI: 10.2196/31903。

    • Kleindorfer, d . O。Towfighi,。,Chaturvedi, S., Cockroft, K. M., Gutierrez, J., Lombardi-Hill, D., Kamel, H., Kernan, W. N., Kittner, S. J., Leira, E. C., Lennon, O., Meschia, J. F., Nguyen, T. N., Pollak, P. M., Santangeli, P., Sharrief, A. Z., Smith, S. C. Jr., Turan, T. N., & Williams, L. S. (2021). 2021 Guideline for the Prevention of Stroke in Patients With Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack: A Guideline From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.中风,52(7)e364-e467。DOI: 10.1161 / STR.0000000000000375。

    • Sarraj,。,Pizzo, E., Lobotesis, K., Grotta, J. C., Hassan, A. E., Abraham, M. G., Blackburn, S., Day, A. L., Dannenbaum, M. J., Hicks, W., Vora, N. A., Budzik, R. F., Sharrief, A. Z., Martin-Schild, S., Sitton, C. W., Pujara, D. K., Lansberg, M. G., Gupta, R., Albers, G. W., Kunz, W. G., & SELECT Investigators. (2021). Endovascular thrombectomy in patients with large core ischemic stroke: a cost-effectiveness analysis from the SELECT study.杂志Neurointerventional手术,13(10):875 - 882。DOI: 10.1136 / neurintsurg - 2020 - 016766。

    • Reddy, S。,Wu, T. C., Zhang, J., Rahbar, M. H., Ankrom, C., Zha, A., Cossey, T. C., Aertker, B., Vahidy, F., Parsha, K., Jones, E., Sharrief, A., Savitz, S. I., & Jagolino-Cole, A. (2021). Lack of Racial, Ethnic, and Sex Disparities in Ischemic Stroke Care Metrics within a Tele-Stroke Network.中风和脑血管疾病杂志》:美国中风协会的官方杂志,30.(1),105418。DOI: 10.1016 / j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2020.105418。

    • 琼斯,E。,Kumar, A., Lopez-Rivera, V., Sebaugh, J., Kamal, H., Sheth, S. A., Sharrief, A., & Zha, A. (2021). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Functional Outcome after Thrombectomy: A Cohort Study of an Integrated Stroke Network.中风和脑血管疾病杂志》:美国中风协会的官方杂志,30.(12):106131。DOI: 10.1016 / j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2021.106131。

    • 塞缪尔·S。,Reddy, s T。,Parsha, K. N., Nguyen, T., Reddy Indupuru, H. K., Sharrief, A. Z., Zhu, L., McCullough, L. D., & Savitz, S. I. (2021). Routine surveillance of pelvic and lower extremity deep vein thrombosis in stroke patients with patent foramen ovale.血栓形成和溶解的杂志,51(4),1150 - 1156。DOI: 10.1007 / s11239 - 020 - 02262 - w。PMID: 32888135。

    • 金,Y。,年代harrief, A., Kwak, M. J., Khose, S., Abdelkhaleq, R., Salazar-Marioni, S., Zhang, G.-Q., & Sheth, S. A. (2022). Underutilization of Endovascular Therapy in Black Patients With Ischemic Stroke: An Analysis of State and Nationwide Cohorts.中风,STROKEAHA121035714。https://doi.org/10.1161/STROKEAHA.121.035714
    • 强烈逆风,大肠。张,J。,Rahbar, M. H., Sharrief, A. Z., Barreto, A. D., Shaw, S., Grotta, J. C., Savitz, S. I., & Ifejika, N. L. (2021). Leveraging Multimedia Patient Engagement to Address Minority Cerebrovascular Health Needs: Prospective Observational Study.医学网络研究杂志》上beplay苹果手机能用吗,23(8),e28748。https://doi.org/10.2196/28748
    • Sheth是美国。、吴苏耿赋。,年代harrief, A., Ankrom, C., Grotta, J. C., Fisher, M., & Savitz, S. I. (2020). Early Lessons From World War COVID Reinventing Our Stroke Systems of Care.中风,51(7),2268 - 2272。https://doi.org/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.030154
    • Skolarus l E。Sharrief,。园丁,H。詹金斯,C。,& Boden-Albala, B. (2020). Considerations in Addressing Social Determinants of Health to Reduce Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Stroke Outcomes in the United States.中风,51(11),3433 - 3439。https://doi.org/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.030426


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