Humam Kadara

Humam Kadara

Regular Member


713-745-9396 713-745-9396
MDA LSP9.4011(单元2951)

Department of翻译分子病理学

肺癌是全球癌症死亡的主要原因。相对于吸烟者发现的其他肿瘤,肺癌显示出惨淡的预后,其流行病在吸烟发生率下降后将保持很长时间 - 因此保证了预防和早期治疗这种致命疾病的新策略。我们的核心目标是了解肺癌,尤其是其最常见的亚型肺腺癌如何在吸烟者中演变,以及我们如何在最早的阶段检测和治疗这种致命的恶性肿瘤。为此,我们的实验室在“正常”(正常出现但诱变)和肺癌中的前阶段中调查了手术基因组,免​​疫基因组,免​​疫和全基因组表达程序。为了回答这些问题,我们研究了人类标本和与人类相关的基因工程鼠模型,并伴有烟草致癌物。


  • Understanding early mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of Kras-mutant lung adenocarcinoma.Our group demonstrated that mice with knockout of the airway lineage gene Gprc5a develop lung adenocarcinoma that are accelerated by tobacco carcinogen exposure. We also demonstrated that lung adenocarcinomas in these mice exhibit high somatic mutation burdens including activating mutations in theKrasoncogene, the same variants posited to function as drivers of lung adenocarcinomas in human smokers. Our group is employing this human-relevant model to understand the phenotypic evolution of lung adenocarcinomasin vivoincluding deciphering how smoking-exposed airway cells transition to a lung cancer malignant phenotype.
  • Interrogating the immune contexture in lung adenocarcinoma pathogenesis.我们在表型演化中辨别出宿主免疫情节的关键作用Kras-mutant lung cancer. This includes interrogating the functions of various immunomodulators, including immune checkpoints, during early phases of lung oncogenesis. Additionally, we are probing the potential immunopreventive effects of targeting pro-inflammatory mediators againstKras-mutant lung cancer.
  • 探索肺泡祖细胞在肺腺癌发育中的未知作用。我们的实验室还在询问肺腺癌的细胞过渡态和原始细胞。因此,我们正在采用单细胞测序技术来了解肺腺癌进化的单细胞景观,包括前转化率。为此,我们使用报告基因的肺癌发生动物模型来跟踪肺泡和气道上皮细胞的特定子集。
  • Interrogating the role of the host microbiome in the pathogenesis of lung adenocarcinoma.我们正在使用动物模型来鉴定肠道微生物组的变化,以响应烟草 - 加霉素暴露,并绘制这些变化在预现象和肿瘤发育的不同阶段。我们渴望调查肠道中的微生物组在宿主中肺部肿瘤发育过程中如何发展,以及我们如何利用这些微生物变化来无创的早期发现肺部恶性肿瘤,并询问潜在的潜力基于微生物组的预防策略。
  • Mapping field cancerization and premalignancy in human lung cancer.合作者与团队密切合作,我们的group has characterized genome-wide DNA and expression alterations in normal-appearing (to the eye) and in preneoplastic lesions preceding early-stage lung cancerin vivoin mice and in human specimens. Additionally, our laboratory has recently defined specific subtypes of lung adenomatous premalignancy suggesting new venues for personalized prevention. Our current projects continue to focus on characterizing these phenomena at unprecedented resolution at the single-cell level using single-cell sequencing technology.



Education & Training

博士,MD Anderson Uthealth研究生院,2008年

Research Opportunities

