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Ahmed Emam, MS, publishes research on genomic instability in Nature Cell Biology

艾米丽Rech / MD安德森UTHealth休斯顿年代毕业chool

Ahmed Emam, MS, publishes research on genomic instability in Nature Cell Biology

Ahmed Emam joined the MS program at the MD Anderson UTHealth Houston Graduate School in the hopes of learning and conducting cancer research in the Texas Medical Center. He paired with Bin Wang, PhD, and her lab to contribute to their research into genomic instability and cancer. Emam’s research is published in the July 2022 issue of Nature Cell Biology.

Emam’s paper titled “Stalled replication fork protection limits cGAS–STING and P-body-dependent innate immune signaling,” examines genomic instability as a characteristic commonly found in most cancer cells.


为了研究基因组不稳定性与炎症相关疾病与癌症之间的联系,EMAM和他的同龄人在没有ABRO1和FANCD2的情况下产生了细胞,先前证明的两种蛋白质与DNA2核酸酶过度降解有关,以前证明了两种蛋白质。该小组发现,这些蛋白质的损失导致累积的胞质单链核糖体DNA的停滞复制叉降解,CGAS蛋白检测到,这触发了依赖于DNA2核酸酶的先天免疫反应。有趣的是,这也导致P体的增加 - 响应复制应力的颗粒 - 表明ABRO1和FANCD2通常会抑制其产量。

Receiving the news that his paper had been accepted by Nature Cell Biology was an important moment in Emam’s academic journey. “In that instant, I felt a sense of accomplishment, a thirst for more, and an endorsement that hard work pays off. I felt committed to my paper and myself, and I was even more appreciative to Bin for her mentorship.”

在开始在研究生院旅行之前,EMAM在埃及国家癌症研究所工作,并受到同伴的鼓励,在世界上首屈一指的癌症治疗中心之一的MD Anderson癌症中心继续接受教育。Emam在GSB中被接受,很快发现他被希望帮助他实现自己的愿望的教职员工和学生所包围。“这里的学生感到安全,因为我们将GSB作为骨干,” Emam说。“ GSBS的员工和教职员工使每个学生在情感和学术上都支持每个学生。”在成功完成了研究生院的MS之后,EMAM被GSB的遗传学和表观遗传学博士学位课程接受,以继续他的研究和学术目标。beplay苹果手机能用吗EMAM梦想有一天拥有自己的癌症研究实验室,并希望为自己的受训者提供他在GSBbeplay苹果手机能用吗中获得的指导类型,并继续为子孙后代的科学家提供周期。

“I want to thank my advisor, Bin Wang, PhD, for making this project possible. I am extremely grateful for her support and guidance. Additionally, I want to thank my advisory committee members for their valuable feedback and support: Pierre McCrea, PhD, Richard Behringer, PhD, Kevin McBride, PhD, and Zhiqiang Zhang, PhD. I consider myself fortunate to have Jichao Chen, PhD, Francesca Cole, PhD, and Elisabeth Lindheim on my academic journey, as their support in the G&E program was extraordinary. I am beyond grateful for the amazing lab environment I was in: Erin, Ella, Longqiang, Xiao, and Shichang you made this project possible! I appreciate being your lab mate; you taught me a lot.”

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