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公告:MD Anderson Uthealth研究生院的新时代

April 20, 2022
A Message from MD Anderson President Pisters & UTHealth Houston President Colasurdo

GSBS Dean Dean Michael R. Blackburn博士的照片

After a decade of exceptional leadership at MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Michael R. Blackburn, PhD, has announced his plan to step down as dean later this year.

忠于科学和教育发展方面的高管,著名的研究员和合作者,迪恩·布莱克本(Dean Blackbbeplay苹果手机能用吗urn)充分注意了他的退休计划。在接下来的几个月中,迪恩·布莱克本(Dean Blackburn)将与Sharon Y.R. Dent, PhDMD Anderson的表观遗传学和分子致癌系教授兼主席,他将担任院长ad interim,以及研究生院领导团队的其他成员,以确保顺利过渡。正在努力选择一个永久的院长,他将我们的学校进入生物医学科学的新教育和发现时代。我们已确保执行搜索和领导咨询公司Spencer Stuart进行国家搜索。搜索委员会,由Guillermina Lozano,博士, andKevin A. Morano, PhD,will work with the firm to identify highly qualified candidates.

Now, more than ever, the world needs dedicated scientists to tackle the greatest health care challenges of our time. Leveraging the strong partnership between MD Anderson Cancer Center and UTHealth Houston, we are committed to training the next generation of scientists who will turn discovery into lifesaving solutions. We are equally committed to hiring a visionary leader who will support our outstanding faculty in creating a premier graduate school of biomedical education.

Please join us in thanking Dean Blackburn for his extraordinary leadership and enduring dedication to the success of our school. In 2012, he joined Michelle C. Barton, PhD, as part of a two-dean leadership team. Upon Barton’s departure in 2020, Dean Blackburn remained at the helm, advocating for our students and working tirelessly to implement programs that put them on a path to achievement, all while continuing hisrenowned researchinto therapies for chronic lung diseases. Dean Blackburn, the John P. McGovern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Endowed Distinguished Professor, will continue in his role through the end of June 2022. In thisvideo message, Dean Blackburn shares more about his decision to retire, the accomplishments of the Graduate School, and his confidence in the school’s bright future.

As we celebrate ongoing progress at our school, we, like Dean Blackburn, are excited about its future. We are steadfast in our pledge to create the best training environment for our graduate students, and will keep you apprised on the search for a new dean. Should you have any questions, please reach out to our search committee chairs

Peter WT Pisters, MD Giuseppe N. Colasurdo, MD
MD安德森癌症中心Uthealth Houston

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