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September 30, 2021
Caitie Barkley

马克·伯里什(Mark Burish),医学博士,博士,维维安·L·史密斯(Vivian L. Smith)神经外科助理教授,麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)
马克·伯里什(Mark Burish),医学博士,博士,维维安·L·史密斯(Vivian L. Smith)神经外科助理教授,麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)

临床试验调查高剂量是否vitamin D3 supplements combined with a multivitamin could effectively prevent cluster headaches is now recruiting patients at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UthealthHouston)。

这项研究,由马克·伯里什(Mark Burish),医学博士,博士,维维安·史密斯(Vivian L. Smith)神经外科助理教授与休斯敦Uthealth的麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)的启发,其灵感来自Cluster Busters的反馈,这是一个患者经营的社区支持小组,其成员遭受了群集头痛攻击。




The trial is seven weeks long. The first week of the trial is a baseline period, with no added medications. The second through fourth weeks are a double-blinded experimental period during which participants receive either high-dose vitamin D3 plus a multivitamin, or a placebo plus a multivitamin. During this time, participants fill out a survey and undergo blood testing.


At the end of the seven-week period for each patient, Burish will measure changes in the average weekly frequency of cluster headache attacks among participants who received the high-dose vitamin D3 versus the placebo, along with other outcomes.

“Cluster headache is such an understudied disease, but it’s an extremely painful disorder,” Burish said, noting a previous study showing that more than 50% of individuals suffering from the attacks have had suicidal thoughts. “But based on previous research, vitamin D seems to block CGRP, a pain-signaling molecule that is commonly found in migraines and cluster headache, so we see a lot of promise with it.”

Overall, Burish is looking for roughly 220 study participants. To be eligible for enrollment, participants must be between 18 and 70 years old and have a diagnosis of either episodic or chronic cluster headache. They must also have predictable cluster periods that last at least six weeks, with a minimum of one attack daily.

参与者可能会在美国的任何地方都可以参加参加血液工作的实验室。有关研究的更多信息,请访问临床试验发布或致电713-486-7771致电RN Rebecca Martinez。

The study, expected to last through mid-2024, is being funded by the Erwin family.

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