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January 25, 2022
特蕾西·巴内特(Tracey Barnett)




Kari Brewer Savannah,博士,医学博士Anderson癌症中心成像物理部计划经理。Brewer Savannah于2012年毕业于生物医学博士学位。她的顾问是医学博士Dina Lev。

Jennifer Czerwinski, MS, associate professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston. Czerwinski graduated in 2006 with a specialized master’s in genetic counseling. Her advisor was Joan Mastrobattista, MD.

拉尔夫·克雷(Ralf Krahe),博士, professor, Department of Genetics, MD Anderson Cancer Center. Krahe graduated in 1995 with a doctorate in human and molecular genetics. His advisor was Michael Siciliano, PhD.

Natalie Sirisaengtaksin,博士项目经理,’学术事务。Sirisaengtaksin received her MS in 2010 in cell biology from the GSBS and graduated in 2017 with a doctorate in neuroscience. Her PhD advisor was Andy Bean, PhD.


布鲁尔·萨凡纳(Brewer Savannah)说:“我对DEI充满热情,并且长期以来与代表性不足有关的少数群体相关计划,并将这一重点放在了我的整个职业生涯中。”“作为一个明矾,我希望提供可以帮助委员会改善GSB(学生,教职员工和员工)的多样性的意见,继续建立,优化和散发出一种包容性文化,使所有背景的学生都感到舒适地说话并知道他们的声音被听到,尊重和珍视,并为所有学生提供公平的机会。”

"As a practicing genetic counselor in the clinical space for over 15 years, I see health disparities daily and try to use my voice to help identify spaces where we can do better for our patients of underrepresented groups," Czerwinski. "I am proud to be an alumna of the GSBS (class of 2006) and current GSBS faculty member. Our students continue to teach me, and I continue to learn about myself and systems that require change. As part of the GSBS DEI standing committee, I want to be part of the momentum moving toward a more inclusive and equitable graduate school environment."

要了解有关学校DEI计划的更多信息,请访问gsbs.uth.edu/diversity或联系多样性与学生事务副院长Cherilynn R. Shadding博士(cherilynn.shadding@uth.tmc.edu)。

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