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GSBS faculty member Lozano elected to Fellows of the AACR Academy


GSBS faculty member Lozano elected to Fellows of the AACR Academy

Gigi Lozano的照片

研究生院教职员工Guillermina(Gigi)Lozano,博士, was elected to the 2021 class of Fellows of the American Association for Cancer beplay苹果手机能用吗Research (AACR) Academy in recognition of her pioneering work to describe the p53 tumor suppressor pathway, which is undermined in many cancers.

Lozano是MD Anderson癌症中心遗传学系主任。在GSB,她隶属于癌症生物学以及遗传学和表观遗传学方案。


“我们很高兴看到吉吉(Gigi)为她对遗传学和癌症研究的持久贡献而感到荣幸,这为许多有意义的发现铺平了道路,”总统彼得·沃特(Peter Wt Pisters),马里兰州总统说:“beplay苹果手机能用吗有了这一荣誉,她加入在AACR中,我们不能自豪。”

Lozano was the first to establish p53 as a transcriptional activator of other genes. She showed that common p53 mutants fail to launch transcription and also discovered the physiological importance of Mdm2 and Mdm4 in inhibiting p53 activity in development and cancer.

“吉吉(Gigi)对我们对癌症生物学的理解的贡献不能被夸大,我们很幸运能够将她作为我们的MD Anderson家族的一员,”首席科学官Giulio Draetta博士Giulio Draetta说。“她的工作强调了提出基本研究问题的重要性,这些问题可能会使我们在结束癌症的任务中迈向未来的突破。”beplay苹果手机能用吗

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