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Emily Rech/MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School


Preclinical research on hypoxia-inducible factors (HIF1 and HIF2) led by Cancer Biology PhD student Carolina García García, her advisor and GSBS faculty member Cullen Taniguchi, MD, PhD, and MD Anderson’s Yanqing Huang, PhD, and Natividad Fuentes, PhD, found that loss of stromal HIF2 delayed progression of pancreatic cancer. Their findings on suppressing HIF2 to improve immunotherapy response in pancreatic cancer have been published in胃肠病学.

除GSB的教职员工外,GarcíaGarcía还得到了癌症生物学计划的GSBS学生Maria Monberg和Emily G. Caggiano的帮助,以及GSBS Alum的MD,医学博士Vincent Bernard,MD。GarcíaGarcía在标题为“ Stromal HIF2调节胰腺癌微环境中的免疫抑制”的文章中,通过使用一类FDA认可的抑制剂来阻止HIF2活性来增强胰腺癌的免疫疗法,以增强胰腺癌的免疫疗法,以增强胰腺癌的免疫疗法。

胰腺癌是臭名昭著的癌症之一。这是因为胰腺癌位于一个称为基质的疤痕样组织中,该网络称为基质,可保护癌症免受化学疗法和免疫疗法的影响。在这种低氧环境中,HIF1和HIF2稳定,被认为会在胰腺内导致侵略性癌症生长。研究小组beplay苹果手机能用吗发现,Stromal HIF2是胰腺癌病理生物学的重要组成部分,并且是一种可药的治疗靶标(最近被FDA批准的HIF2抑制剂类别),可以重新使用以增强这种疾病中对免疫疗法的反应。

In analyzing her research, García García found herself wanting to explore many different avenues that her data could potentially address. However, she advises first authors going through the same process to maintain a “laser focus” when writing and working on their papers. “There will always be new hypotheses to test, additional experiments to do, and more questions to answer—that’s the beautiful thing about science. It took some reflection to realize these are great questions for future study, but for right now, whatever is not in the lines of ‘paper submitted’ to ‘paper published’ is a distraction.”

Garcia Garcia and Taniguchi

García García also credits organization and emulation as part of her success. She recommends starting early with organizing data, compiling thoughts, and being aware of deadlines. Remember that you will be working with this data for a long time, so having everything organized in a way that makes sense to you will save you an inordinate amount of time while you do revisions.

She also spent time reading through the issues of journals she aspired to be published in, and emulated the concise structure and figure styles she noted so often within their pages into her own paper. “You want the editors of the journal to look at your manuscript and think ‘this belongs here.’”

GSBS的工作人员,教职员工和学生对GarcíaGarcía及其学业非常鼓励。“ GSB的每个人都对我很好,可以帮助我,甚至以名字认识我。如此罕见的是,有这么大的学校和许多学生,人们仍然彼此认识。”研究生院客观上很难,但是她从同龄人那里得到的支持和导师抵消了她目前可能面临的任何自我怀疑。

Another piece of valuable advice she has for students just starting off in their labs is to embrace the people with which you work. In the years that García García has worked in her lab, she has formed a sort of family with her lab mates. You all have the same love of science, and you are all working towards a common goal—that is automatic common ground to form a support group around. Your peers celebrate with you during a win, and commiserate during a loss. The members of her lab often meet outside of the lab, coming together to bond as friends. García García even flexed her cooking muscles to make beef lasagna from scratch for their most recent meetup (and eggplant lasagna for the vegetarians of the lab).

Getting her study published in胃肠病学对于GarcíaGarcía,她的实验室和GSB来说,一直是如此令人兴奋的发展。“我们很高兴分享我们的发现,并希望他们将对我们的领域和陷入困境产生积极影响。我们的工作解决了关于缺氧信号在胰腺肿瘤微环境中相对作用的长期知识差距。我为在这本期刊上发布的新机会感到兴奋。”

Read García García’s research in胃肠病学.

Some of the information for this story came from an MD Anderson media release.这个故事中使用的照片是在大流行之前拍摄的。

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