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June 09, 2021
珍妮特·桑切斯(Jeannette Sanchez)

Photo of women looking through microscope.
随着时间的流逝,散发出昼夜节律的节奏并吃高脂饮食会耗尽健康的脂肪细胞,而克里斯汀·埃克·马汉(Kristin Eckel-Mahan)博士领导的一项研究表明,这种干扰可能很难逆转。(Rogelio Castro/Uthealth摄影)
Kristin Eckel-Mahan博士和她的研究团队的照片。beplay苹果手机能用吗
Kristin Eckel-Mahan, PhD, and her research team. From left to right: Samay Shivshankar, Baharan Fekry, PhD, Kristin Eckel-Mahan, PhD, and Rafael Bravo Santos, PhD. (Photo by Rogelio Castro/UTHealth)



脂肪细胞祖细胞成熟成脂肪细胞 - 构成我们脂肪组织的健康脂肪细胞,该细胞将能量存储为脂肪。beplay苹果手机能用吗研究人员发现,在正常的能量摄入模式下,脂肪细胞祖细胞在整个24小时周期中经历节奏的每日增殖。

However, when investigators introduced a high fat diet, or changed the temporal patterns of food consumption so that mice ate equal increments of food during both the sleep and the wake phase, this 24-hour pattern of pre-adipocyte proliferation was destroyed.

“We found that when we fed mice a high-fat diet, it increased the proliferation of preadipocytes and destroyed its rhythmic pattern,” saidKristin Eckel-Mahan, PhD,布朗基金会分子医学研究所预防UTHealth人类疾病的代谢和退化性疾病中心的助理教授和研究的主要作者。“我们预测的是,在我们一生中,这些细胞增殖的24小时变化对于维持健康的脂肪确实很重要。”


“在理想的世界中,每个人都会保持正常的睡眠效果周期,并且在一天中的错误时间内不吃东西,因此在睡觉前或清晨不晚。您还应该远离高脂饮食,我们现在已经证明,这会破坏前脂肪细胞的节奏扩散。当涉及到健康脂肪时,我们拥有的24小时时钟很重要,我们需要尽可能地保护它。”Helmholtz代谢,肥胖和血管研究(HI-MAG)的HelmholtzZentrumMünchenbeplay苹果手机能用吗the University of Leipzig and University Hospital Leipzig in Germany.

Additional UTHealth authors include Rafael Bravo Santos, PhD; Baharan Fekry, PhD; Zhanguo Gao, PhD; Mikhail Kolonin, PhD; Kai Sun, PhD; Brad Snyder, MD; Alaa M.T. Mohamed; Samay Shivshankar; and Angielyn Rivera. Also contributing to the study was John T. Heiker, PhD, ofhi-mag。

Kolonin, Sun, and Eckel-Mahan are on the faculty of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Kolonin is the holder of the Harry E. Bovay, Jr. Distinguished University Chair in Metabolic Disease Research at UTHealth.

The study, titled “Cellular and Physiological Circadian Mechanisms Drive Diurnal Cell Proliferation and Expansion of White Adipose Tissue,” was supported by the National Institutes of Health (DK114037 and DK125922) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft SFB1052/C07.

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