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In memoriam: retired GSBS faculty member William Klein, PhD

MD Andersonmedia relations

In memoriam: retired GSBS faculty member William Klein, PhD

Photo of William Klein PhD

William Klein, PhD, a retired GSBS faculty member and professor emeritus, Systems Biology at MD Anderson, died March 9. He’s remembered for his dedication to bench research, his scientific curiosity and for his support of our graduate school. He was 74.

Klein came to MD Anderson as an associate professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 1985, and he became a full professor in 1992. He took over the role of department chair in 1998 and served in that role until 2014 when the department was dissolved and he joined Systems Biology, where he has served in a professor emeritus role since 2018.

那些与他一起工作的人都回想起他无限的好奇心,并渴望提出引人入胜的问题。“很高兴他参加研讨会和科学论坛,” GSBS遗传学和表观遗传学的副教授尼克·纳维(Nick Navin)回忆说。“他能够在许多不同的学科中掌握内容,并提出真正达到主题或学习的核心的棘手问题。”


他对科学和发现的热爱加上他的领导,对该机构的基础科学研究产生了巨大影响。beplay苹果手机能用吗“比尔对发育生物学充满热情,他真正地认为,学习生物的发展方式也将对癌症的发展产生新的见解。” Sharon Dent,PhD,GSBS教职员工和表观遗传学和分子癌变系主任。“他帮助改变了MD Anderson的科学面貌,并对我们的研究企业产生了真正的影响。”beplay苹果手机能用吗

自己的研究集中在beplay苹果手机能用吗调节基因activity in embryo development. Early in his career, he pioneered the description cell type-specific gene expression during embryogenesis in sea urchins. Later, he explored the role of transcription factors in skeletal muscle cell differentiation and became an expert in genetically engineered mice for this work. In later years, his research focused on making major contributions to the understanding of the genes involved in the development of the mouse retina.

克莱因还致力于指导初级教师和我们的学员,与数十名研究生合作,并在我们的研究生院担任基因与发展计划的主任和联合创始人。在与该计划合作时,他推动了研究生培训的创新,这将帮助受训者成功。遗传学和表观遗传学教授以及神经科学计划的教授Michael Galko说:“他非常支持美国初级教师,并希望帮助我们探索自己的严格科学道路。”“他还敦促我们变得更好,因为他要求卓越。”

Outside of work, he was an avid runner and trained for marathons. Even when he could no longer regularly run, he could be seen walking the sidewalks around the medical center and along our skybridges, easily identified by his ball cap and backpack. He was known for having a love of art and music and literature. His wife was a trained concert pianist and they enjoyed going to concerts together.

GSBS遗传学和表观遗传学计划的教授Richard Behringer博士说:“您仍然可以看到他在我们地板上的存在。”“如果您四处走走,他撰写的著名和创新艺术家的印刷品。他一直认为完全全神贯注于您的科学很容易,但是他提出了艺术,因此我们可以超越我们的作品并考虑其他地方的美丽。”

His legacy at MD Anderson will be felt for many years to come. Klein’s dedication to basic research came out in his leadership roles and collaborations. “He really was a leadership team player with a great commitment to the institution and those he served,” says Behringer. “He put his heart and soul into the institution and as an advocate for outstanding basic science.”


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