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Meet the Staff, Oscar Sevilla, MEd

艾米丽Rech / MD安德森UTHealth休斯顿年代毕业chool

Meet the Staff, Oscar Sevilla, MEd

医学博士奥斯卡·塞维利亚(Oscar Sevilla)加入了德克萨斯大学医学博士安德森癌症中心Uthealth休斯顿休斯顿生物医学科学研究生院,该研究生学院的大流行中心。尽管这使与申请人的联系更加复杂,但奥斯卡利用他出色的沟通技巧和愿意提供帮助,以便为研究生院的一年级学生提供最佳的入职过程。

What is your current title, and what do you do on the day-to-day?

I am the program manager of admissions, which means I am the first point of contact for those who are interested in the GSBS graduate program. I provide information about the programs and facilitate the application process for applicants. I am also the person who works with candidates once they are selected for an interview. I help coordinate the visitation weekends that occur in the spring, and once an offer is accepted, I work with the students to onboard them and have them ready to begin in the fall.

What are you focused on most at this point in time?



I love being a part of the GSBS community! Everyone here does their part to make you feel comfortable and engaged in all projects and events that we host.




我喜欢跑步和旅行。我最喜欢参观的地方是墨西哥的Pueblos Magicos(Magical Towns)。这些是墨西哥的一系列小镇,被墨西哥政府公认为“神奇”,以促进文化丰富,民间传说,美食和热情好客。到目前为止,我已经访问了五场,尽管我可能无法访问所有132岁,但我的目标是一生中尽可能多地参观。我也喜欢迪士尼,迪士尼世界旅行总是在我的年度旅行计划中。

What skills in your skillset do you find most valuable in your work?

Communication is by far the most valuable skill in my line of work. Communicating obstacles and necessities helps provide an effective workplace which in turn helps us provide the best quality service to our students.

Do you have a favorite memory at the GSBS so far?

So far, my favorite memory will have to be Graduate Student Research Day (GSRD). I was hired in the middle of the pandemic, so this year’s GSRD was one of the first opportunities in which I was able to engage and unite with students in a large capacity. Getting to interact with the GSBS community is a great reminder for why we work so hard—the students are so bright and their passion for science and solving biomedical issues that have plagued our society is inspiring.

If there was one piece of advice you could give to students starting at the GSBS, what would it be?

I would tell incoming GSBS students to always ask questions; the staff at the Graduate School is always willing to help. Don’t be afraid to ask what certain words mean or how to do things you aren’t yet familiar with. I would also advise students to find a work-life balance early on and stick to it. Graduate school can be a bit overwhelming, but it gets better if you remain organized and have that balance mapped out. And most importantly, I would advise everyone to pay attention to their mental health and take advantage of all the resources provided to them.

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