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New antibody shows therapeutic effects in mice with Alzheimer’s disease (UTHealth Houston News)

Caitie Barkley

Zhiqiang An,PhD,教授,罗伯特·A·韦尔奇(Robert A. Welch)杰出大学化学主席,在休斯顿Uthealth Houston的McGovern医学院。(图片由休斯顿uthealth摄)

beplay苹果手机能用吗高级作者领导的研究Zhiqiang an博士和罗伯特·韦尔奇杰出教授University Chair in Chemistry at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston, found that a tetra-variable domain antibody targeting the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid 2 (TREM2) – dubbed TREM2 TVD-lg – reduced amyloid burden, eased neuron damage, and alleviated cognitive decline in mice with Alzheimer’s disease. The学习今天出版科学翻译医学

“Antibody-based therapy is a viable drug modality for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease,” said An, director of the Texas Therapeutics Institute with The Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine for the Prevention of Human Diseases (IMM). “One of the major areas of focus at the Texas Therapeutics Institute is developing technologies to deliver antibody-based therapies across the blood-brain barrier for potential treatment of the disease.”

TREM2 is a single-pass receptor expressed by microglia – supportive cells that function as scavengers in the central nervous system. Microglia play a crucial role in the removal of amyloids that cluster around amyloid-beta plaques, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.


“通过利用休斯顿Uthealth的独特抗体药物发现能力,并与科学家合作具有互补的专业知识,我们证明了工程多价TREM2激动剂抗体以及TFR介导的脑提供的可行性,以增强微型型功能并减少Vivo In Vivo In Vivo的淀粉样病理学功能。Ningyan Zhang,博士学位,德克萨斯州麦戈文医学院INM的德克萨斯治疗学院教授。“这种抗体工程方法可以开发有效的TREM2靶向AD疗法。”

Uthealth Houston IMM的其他作者包括Peng Zhao,博士学位,博士后研究员;beplay苹果手机能用吗Yuanzhong Xu博士,助理教授;研究科学家Xuejun Fan,医学博士,beplay苹果手机能用吗博士;Leike Li博士,博士后研究员;beplay苹果手机能用吗Xin Li,研beplay苹果手机能用吗究助理;以及Qingchun Tong,博士,分子医学教授兼库伦主席。Wei Cao博士,Roy M.和Phyllis Gough Huffington与McGovern医学院杰出的麻醉学教授,也为这项研究做出了贡献。AN,TONG和CAO也是德克萨斯大学医学博士Anderson癌症中心Uthealth休斯顿生物医学科学研究生院的教职员工。

其他合着者包括Lulin Jiang博士,与加利福尼亚州的Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute一起;医学博士Hisashi Arase与日本的大阪大学;Hui Zheng博士,休斯敦的贝勒医学院;Yingjun Zhao博士,中国的Xiamen大学;和Xu Xu博士,与中国的Xiamen大学和重庆医科大学。

这项工作部分得到了德克萨斯州癌症预防和研究所(RP150551和RP190561)和Welch Foundation的资助。beplay苹果手机能用吗


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