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    与GSBS中级校友Lance Shaner博士的问答

    April 13, 2022

    Lance Shaner, PhD“title=

    “我还记得我小时候,我一直对知道'事情的工作方式'一直很感兴趣。我的父母会为此提供保证,但我是不断提出问题的孩子之一(我的女儿之一是一样的 - 也许是未来的科学家?)。当我上大学时,我开始了一条曲目。“但是很快就意识到基础科学对我来说更有趣 - 换句话说,弄清楚事情是如何工作的。”

    Why did you choose the Graduate School for your research education?
    “When I was a microbiology undergrad at the University of Illinois, I would hang out with the graduate students when they took invited speakers for bread, beer, and cheese after their seminars. One of those invited speakers was Theresa (Terri) Koehler, PhD. Over beer and cheese, Terri told me about the GSBS program and it happened to be when I was applying to graduate schools. I was fascinated by Terri's work; I looked more closely at the program as a whole and decided to apply. My visit was fantastic and I really enjoyed interacting with all the staff and students. Of all the visits I did, I felt most at home in Houston."

    “I was fairly set on joining Terri's lab but several of my first year classmates signed up to do their first rotations in her lab, so I decided to do a later rotation with her. During undergrad, I had joined a home brew club and learned to make beer, so I figured that I could get some more hands-on experience with yeast to help with my hobby. So instead of starting with Anthrax, I did my first rotation in the lab of Kevin Morano, PhD, to study the heat shock response inS. cerevisiae. I got along really well with Kevin and was a fast convert to the advantages of working with yeast as a model system.S. cerevisiae在遗传上具有极高的含量,并且有许多可用的工具可用于其他微生物。这确实意味着您可以相对较快地解决重要问题。长话短说,我和凯文相处融洽,真的很喜欢与酵母合作。”

    How did you incorporate your GSBS education into your current position?
    “I am the co-owner of Omega Yeast Labs in Chicago. Our company produces liquid yeast cultures for craft breweries around the world. In other words, we provide a vital ingredient to the beer industry.


    “For example, hazy IPA is easily the most popular style of beer in craft at the moment. Certain yeast strains create a much more stable and consistent haze than other strains. The genetic basis of the difference between strains is unknown. So, we are combining bioinformatic and classic genetics approaches to identify the genetic basis of haze. Ultimately, our goal is to provide brewers with the best information to consistently achieve the results they are going for."

    What was your path towards your current position?
    “研究生院毕业后,我去了休斯敦大学的法学院。毕业后,我搬到芝加哥,成为马歇尔·格斯坦·格斯坦(Marshall Gerstein&Borun LLP)生物技术小组的专利律师欧米茄酵母实验室在2013年与同事。”

    “Growing the company from the point where it was just my business partner and myself in a 1,300 square foot room to the present day where we have more than 40 employees and a brand new 14,000 square foot production facility."

    What has been your biggest failure and how did you overcome it?

    What advice would you give graduate students now?

    What’s something you like to do when you are not working?
    “I love playing music with my family. My 10-year-old and 7-year-old daughters are learning guitar and drums, respectively, at School of Rock. My wife is also a classically trained musician, so together, we play rock music as a family band. When I can get us all in one room to play music, it brings me a lot of joy."

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