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与GSBS中级校友Malik Raynor博士的问答

February 01, 2022
Carolyn Agurcia-Parker,DRPH,医学博士Anderson Uthealth研究生院

与GSBS中级校友Malik Raynor博士的问答

Malik Raynor is an微生物学和传染病(中)program alumnus who graduated in spring 2018 with a PhD. He’s always had an interest in figuring out how things work since he was a child. He would take apart toys with moving parts to see how each piece functioned only to find a number of circuit boards beneath the casing. His passion for science is an extension of discovering how aspects of the natural world function. Raynor chose the GSBS for his graduate career for some very specific aspects. He knew he did not want a teaching career, so he chose a program that did not have a teaching requirement. In addition, Raynor chose the GSBS because the graduate stipend not only allowed him a loan-free education but he knew that the stipend was a more than sufficient amount to comfortably live in Houston.

雷诺(Raynor)参加了美国微生物学会生物融合会议之后,选择了特蕾莎·科勒(Theresa Koehlerbeplay苹果手机能用吗)博士学位的实验室,并为他的研究培训而进行了研究培训,并记得Koehler被列为组织者之一。Koehler的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗炭疽杆菌是one of the main reasons he applied to the GSBS. He knew, after interviewing with her during his visitation weekend and subsequently completing his first rotation in her lab, that she would be a great mentor.

After graduation, Raynor began his job search with leveraged contacts from his professional career prior to graduate school. He also searched job sites such as LinkedIn and USAJobs, but in the end, his professional connections proved the most successful at securing his first position following graduate school. Currently, you can find Raynor at working as a senior scientist at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. His team partners with researchers in academia, the pharmaceutical industry, and other government entities to discover and develop novel small molecule antibiotics effective against Gram negative bacteria, specifically those on the World Health Organization's Priority Pathogen list. In his laboratory, they evaluate molecules for species coverage and potency against clinical bacterial isolates of varying antibiotic susceptibilities before other体外assays are performed to assess how well the molecules can function as drugs.

His advice to current graduate students would be to use time wisely. “Give some thought to what you want to pursue after graduate school, either a particular subject matter within or outside academia, and then make sure you're setting yourself up to be marketable in that area. If you're interested in forensics or bioinformatics, learn what skills are marketable in those fields and then try to incorporate a few of them into your dissertation research.”



“从我以前的工作经验来看,我知道精选的特工/传染病是一个始终具有政府兴趣的研究领域,因此总会有工作。在研究生院之前,在环境保护局工作时,我参加了美国社会beplay苹果手机能用吗Microbiology Biodefense会议,并记得Koehler博士被列为组织者之一。Koehler博士的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗炭疽杆菌是one of the main reasons I applied to the Graduate School. After interviewing with her during my visitation weekend and subsequently completing my first rotation in her lab I knew she would be a great mentor for me."

“您目前正在从事什么类型的研beplay苹果手机能用吗究/工作?(请用外行解释)目前,我在Walter Reed陆军研究所担任高级科学家。我的团队与学术界的研究人员合作,制药行业,制药行业,以及其他政府实体,发现和开发新型的针对革兰氏阴性细菌的小分子抗生素,特别是世界卫生组织优先病原体列表中的小分子。进行体外测定以评估分子充当药物的功能。”



"I would say my biggest regret versus my biggest failure would be that I didn't seize an opportunity to get in- depth, hands-on experience with bioinformatics while I was a graduate student. I didn't realize at the time how much of an invaluable skill it would become whether in or outside academia."

What advice would you give graduate students now?
"My advice would be to use your time wisely. Give some thought to what you want to pursue after graduate school, either a particular subject matter within or outside academia, and then make sure you're setting yourself up to be marketable in that area. If you're interested in forensics or bioinformatics, learn what skills are marketable in those fields and then try to incorporate a few of them into your dissertation research."

"Anyone that knows me personally knows that I'm in the gym too much."

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