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玛丽·安·海灵豪森(Mary Ann Hellinghausen),医学博士

GSBS alumni Kristine Ferrone, PhD, at a Mars simulation camp in 2009

**This story was originally published in the 2017-2018 GSBS Year In Review and has been reposted as part of a GSBS Research Retrospective, a series which highlights past research stories that illustrate the uniqueness of studying at the Graduate School.

克里斯汀·费罗恩(Kristine Ferrone)在火星上幸存下来 - 无论如何,还是对红色星球的模拟。

During the summer of 2009, Ferrone and five other volunteers lived for a month in a cramped habitat erected on the edge of a 39-million-year-old crater carved out by a meteorite on a barren Canadian island. It was about as close as you can get to a Mars-like environment on Earth.

The simulation, sponsored by The Mars Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to exploring and settling Mars, was an opportunity to conduct geophysical experiments, try out laser therapy to relieve symptoms of physical exertion, and learn about the challenges of minor injuries and illness in such a stark environment.

“This unique simulation experience was the closest mindset to being in space,’’ Ferrone says. “It was invaluable. I go back and draw from it often.”


A third-year doctoral student in our Medical Physics graduate program, Ferrone is conducting research into radiation shielding that she believes could yield benefits for future astronaut pioneers exploring beyond low-Earth orbit, as well as cancer patients here on Earth.

A 10-year NASA veteran, Ferrone has worked as a NASA flight controller for the International Space Station and continues working part-time as a systems engineer for The Aerospace Corporation during her graduate study. In addition to an undergraduate degree in astrophysics, she’s earned three master’s degrees – in space architecture, sports medicine and business administration.

“Human space flight is what I’ve been doing my whole career,’’ she says. “The research I’m doing now aims to reduce the cancer risk for astronauts from space radiation. That’s the end game.’’

Ferrone’s advisors, Charles Willis, Ph.D., associate professor, Imaging Physics, and Stephen Kry, Ph.D. associate professor, Radiation Physics, provide guidance for her dissertation research. Willis, also a former NASA researcher, made it to the top three final cut to be an alternate payload specialist astronaut in the late 1980s. Today his career at MD Anderson involves optimizing digital radiography – ultimately to make the best image for the physician while using the least amount of radiation necessary for the patient. Not unlike the goal of Ferrone’s research.



To be prepared for any emergency thrown her way, Ferrone volunteers for the Pasadena Fire Department and flies for the Coast Guard Auxiliary. “It keeps me mentally sharp. It would be the same on a space mission: you throw on your gear and go into a life threatening environment. And it’s fun!”

Would she be game for a trip to the real Mars?




她说:“令人惊讶的是,有多少东西可以从与MD Anderson相关的研究转化为太空辐射的缩影。”beplay苹果手机能用吗“像我这样的怪人才能看到这种联系。但是我们可以互相学习很多。”

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