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Using genetics to solve diseases – Dianna Milewicz leads research in aortic aneurysms and dissections

February 11, 2021
珍妮特·桑切斯(Jeannette Sanchez)

Dianna Milewicz, MD, PhD, has discovered the majority of genes that are now known to cause a predisposition for thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. (Photo by UTHealth)
Dianna Milewicz, MD, PhD, has discovered the majority of genes that are now known to cause a predisposition for thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. (Photo by UTHealth)
医学博士Dianna Milewicz是McGovern医学院心血管医学的乔治·布什(George Bush)总统主席。(图片由Uthealth摄)
医学博士Dianna Milewicz是McGovern医学院心血管医学的乔治·布什(George Bush)总统主席。(图片由Uthealth摄)
Dianna Milewicz, MD, PhD, during a celebratory trip to the Alps after graduating from medical school. (Photo by Dianna Milewicz)
Dianna Milewicz, MD, PhD, during a celebratory trip to the Alps after graduating from medical school. (Photo by Dianna Milewicz)

黛安娜·米勒维奇(Dianna Milewicz)一直都知道她想从事科学工作。

“At a very early age I took an interest in medicine,” said Milewicz, MD, PhD, the President George Bush Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine at McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Uthealth). “In kindergarten, I decided I wanted to be a nurse, but becoming a doctor never crossed my mind.”



After being accepted to several programs, Milewicz chose to do medical research in Philadelphia, where she studied cystic fibrosis – and that, she said, piqued her interest in genetics and research.

“During my cystic fibrosis research, I became really interested in genetics and how we can use genetics to help find prevention or treatment options for certain diseases, and I also found that I really loved doing research,” she said.




她目前领导John Ritter主beplay苹果手机能用吗动脉和血管疾病研究计划at UTHealth. The program focuses on preventing premature deaths due to acute aortic dissections by improving diagnosis, treatment, and public awareness.


Milewicz and her team of researchers at UTHealth have discovered the majority of genes that are now known to cause a predisposition for thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. They are using their expertise to inform gene-based clinical management and treatment of aortic diseases. Along the way, she has saved lives of people who carry one of these mutant genes that puts them at higher risk for aortic aneurysms and dissections.

To help increase the pace at which researchers around the world are discovering new genes for aortic dissection, Milewicz helped establish an international consortium calledMontalcino Aortic Consortium,,,,where researchers and physicians across 50 sites worldwide are working to identify cases of aortic dissection and define disease-specific management for the genes known to trigger dissections.

目前,Milewicz正在研究儿童的动脉粥样硬beplay苹果手机能用吗化和早期中风 - 仍在使用遗传学来了解这些疾病。

Milewicz还是MD Anderson Cancer Center Uthealth Biomedical Sciences研究生院MD的生物化学和细胞生物学计划以及遗传学和表观遗传学计划的教师。她是MD/博士培训计划在学校,,,,which also partners withthe University of Puerto Rico. She mentors young women in this training program through a group called Ad Astra (Latin for “To the Stars”).



她从Cy-Fair高中毕业,并获得了赖斯大学的生物化学学士学位。最近,米利维兹(Milewicz)被稻米校友协会(Association of Rice Alumni)评为2019年稻米大学杰出校友。赖斯杰出的校友奖颁发给了通过独特的专业或志愿者职业提高大学卓越利益和卓越标准的校友。

多年来,Milewicz因其研究而获得了许多荣誉和奖项,包括Antoine Marfan奖,Doris Duke杰出的临床科学家奖和Uthealbeplay苹果手机能用吗th总统总统研究学者卓越研究奖。她的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗计划每年为这项工作提供近200万美元的资金,她有publishedover 250 articles.

When she isn’t leading research and mentoring young women, Milewicz enjoys traveling, gardening, playing piano, and spending time with her family.


“I really enjoyed playing the piano and I got quite good at it. I even had the opportunity to try out for Juilliard, but that was the point when I decided to stop playing piano and focus on my goal to be a physician-scientist,” she said.

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