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Young becomes second oral surgeon in US with active R01 grant funding

凯尔·罗杰斯(Kyle Rogers)

Dr. Simon Young holds a test tube in his research lab.
西蒙博士年轻是fourth-ever口腔外科医生receive a R01 grant from the NIH. Photo by Brian Schnupp.

年轻实验室在Uthealth Houston的Uthealth,牙科学院已获得美国国立卫生研究院国家牙科和颅面研究所的近300万美元的研究项目赠款(R01 DE03beplay苹果手机能用吗0140),以继续探索生物材料 - 核对治疗的免疫治疗以进行治疗耐药的口服癌。

有了这笔赠款,西蒙·杨, DDS, MD, PhD, becomes just the fourth-ever oral surgeon to receive an R01 grant from the NIH, one of two oral surgeons in the U.S. with active R01 funding, and the first from UTHealth. Young is an assistant professor in the Bernard and Gloria Pepper Katz Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at UTHealth School of Dentistry and a MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences faculty member with the Programs in Biochemistry and Cell Biology, and Immunology.

Young说:“我非常感谢NIDCR为这一资助机会提供开发我们的基于生物材料的肿瘤内免疫疗法技术。”“ OMS基金会和NIDCR在一开始就在那里支持我们,当时我和我只是在提出这个新想法。

“作为一名年轻的外科医生科学家和早期的调查员,R01赠款的资金是一个梦想成真 - 我觉得到目前为止,我的整个职业都集中在实现这一里程碑上。尽管Covid-19的大流行面临挑战,但我很幸运能被一个非常支持的OMS部门和我和合作者的实验室中的许多明亮的头脑所包围,他们奉献了这项工作。我现在再也不会快乐,很高兴看到我们如何看待改善对口腔癌患者的护理方法。”

R01赠款为277万美元,从2021年7月开始为该项目开始的五年范围内,标题为“SynerGel: A novel tumor microenvironment-modulating hydrogel for local immunotherapy。”该项目的主要调查员Young将分配资金;莱斯大学的Jeffrey Hartgerink博士;德克萨斯大学医学博士安德森癌症中心的医学博士Andrew Sikora博士;和贝勒医学院的Akdes Harmanci博士。

Young’s grant summary recognizes, “The overall five-year survival rate for head and neck cancer has not improved much over the last few decades with both conventional multimodal treatment and emerging immunotherapies known to have an adverse, and sometimes fatal, impact on quality of life.”

Immunotherapy, Young notes has become an emerging standard of care for many different kinds of cancer. His group is working to improve it through a biomaterials-based, intratumoral delivery approach which is highly customizable because of the modular nature of the amino acid building blocks of the peptide hydrogel being used.

Young Lab计划使用该赠款来研究推动新型免疫疗法平台技术用于头颈癌,Synergel的有效性的机制,并确定如何与护理标准放射治疗结合使用以降低治疗毒性。Synergel是基于肽的Synergel,是一个可注射的,基于生物材料的平台,用于由Young,Hartgerink和Sikora创建的肿瘤内药物输送。


这research team will create various immunotherapy combinations and evaluate their effectiveness in a preclinical setting not just for efficacy, but also break down the tumor to single-cell suspensions to assess the tumor micro-environment using advanced techniques such as single-cell sequencing.

这项研究标beplay苹果手机能用吗志着Synergel的持续进展。Young,Hartgerink和Sikora在他们的水凝胶上发表了一篇论文2月版ofACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, reporting an advance on their previous development of the original drug-hydrogel combination, STINGel, from2018

Research to date has been supported by grants from the OMS Foundation, the Hinds Academy Foundation, the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research of the National Institutes of Health, the Welch Foundation, the National Science Foundation, and the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology.

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