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SAGE Research Methods: Start Your Research

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Start Your Research with SRM

SAGE Research Methods can help you with every stage of your research project.

Nearly every research project has 9 main steps:

  1. Defining a Topic
  2. Developing a Researchable Research Question
  3. Designing Your Research and Choosing Your Method
  4. Researching Ethically and Safely
  5. Reviewing the Literature
  6. Doing Fieldwork/Gathering Data
  7. 分析你的数据/结果
  8. Writing Up
  9. Dissemination

See how SRM can help with each step:

What will you research?

1. Defining a Topic

You may already have a topic in mind, or your topic was assigned to you. If not, search Topic on SRM, and this book chapter entry,“Choosing a Topic”will help you choose a sound area to study.

2. Developing a Researchable Research Question

A research question is more refined than a topic. For help writing your research question, do asearch. Anencyclopedia entryis a good place to start for an introductory overview.

Design Your Project

3. Designing Your Research and Choosing Your Method

TheMethods Mapcan help you choose a method if you’re not sure which to use. If you already have your method, you can search directly for it. The search results will provide both brief explanations of the method via dictionary and encyclopedia entries as well as in-depth how-tos in book-length entries.

4. Researching Ethically and Safely

If ethics is a concern for your project, SRM contains a number ofresourcesto help.

5. Reviewing the Literature

A literature review is a crucial step to monitor what has already been written about your topic. In addition to resources on writing and conducting your literature review, theSAGE Journals search widgetcan help you get started from within the SRM platform.

Gather, Analyze, and Present Your Data

6. Doing Fieldwork/Gathering Data


8. Writing Up

Books with step-by-step information on hundreds of data collection methods are included. In this instance, our researcher has chosen a survey, andDesigningSurveys包括有关编写和组织问题,设计和选择样本的步骤,以及减少集合中错误源的提示。特定的资源data analysisandwriting upyour findings are also included.


9. Dissemination

Dissemination might be as simple as turning in your paper at the end of term. If you are completing adissertationand/or looking topublish, SRM has information on that as well.
