四人获得妇女教师论坛卓越奖at McGovern Medical School


By Roman Petrowski, Office of Communications


妇女教师论坛(WFF)将在12月2日下午4:30-6下午4:30-6通过Webex向四名McGovern医学院教师颁发2020年卓越奖。加入演示文稿的事件代码为120 199 5152,或单击这里.

The winner of the Excellence in Research award isDanielle Garsin, PhD, professor in the微生物学和分子遗传学系, while希望诺斯鲁普, MD, professor in theDepartment of Pediatrics, and director of the Division of Medical Genetics, won the Excellence in Clinical Science award.Jun Wang, PhD, assistant professor of pediatrics andAmanda Jagolino-Cole, MD, assistant professor in theDepartment of Neurology, and co-director of the Vascular Neurology Fellowship Program, each earned Rising Star awards.

The WFF Excellence Awards recognize outstanding contributions made by women faculty at McGovern Medical School in education, research, and/or clinical service. Winners are evaluated based on student and peer evaluations and the use of innovation and development of teaching tools and courses as well as published works in teaching and mentoring activities.

Recipients are also judged on productivity in research with a focus on peer recognition, innovation, and the ability to have work published and to bring in competitive external grants. Clinically, the winners hold local, national, and international recognition and display leadership in medicine while showcasing outstanding contributions to patient care and promoting clinical knowledge.

The Women’s Faculty Forum was established to provide advocacy on behalf of the women faculty at McGovern Medical School and to provide networking and professional development opportunities. The organization recognizes and supports women through its annual awards program, career development offerings, and educations events.
