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News from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Stories from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)



George Stancel, PhD, announces retirement

George M. Stancel, PhD

May 3, 2019

After more than 47 years of extraordinary service to The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth),George M. Stancel, PhD, senior vice president for Academic and Research Affairs, has announced his retirement, effective May 29, 2019.

Mc去vern Medical School Class of 2019 meets its match

Ashley Romo hugs her father David after learning she and her fiancé Omare Okotie-Eboh both matched to residencies in Houston.

March 15, 2019

Every year on the first day of school, David Romo would tell his daughter Ashley, “Go get your future.” Today after she ripped open her envelope at Match Day, Ashley Romo hugged her father whispered, “Dad, I got my future.” Along with 238 other students who filled Webber Plaza behind McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, Romo discovered where she will take the next step in her journey to become a physician.

Mc去vern Medical School Class of 2019 readies to meet its match

Match day envelopes in a basket.

March 11, 2019

One barely survived sepsis as an infant. One is proudly serving his country. And two became engaged in Webber Plaza, the same place where on Friday more than 225 students at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth will find out where they will continue their journeys to become practicing physicians.

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