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News from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Stories from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)



New model reveals achieving an 80% HPV vaccination rate could eliminate nearly 1 million cases of male oropharyngeal cancer this century

Photo of young man getting a shot. (Photo by Getty Images)

December 15, 2021

A nationwide effort to adequately vaccinate 8 in 10 adolescents against the human papillomavirus (HPV) could prevent 934,000 cases of virus-associated, male oropharyngeal cancer over this century, reported investigators at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (休斯顿乌西卫生)公共卫生学院柳叶刀区域卫生 - 美国人。

Drug used to prevent miscarriage increases risk of cancer in offspring

Photo of pregnant woman holding pill. (Photo by Getty Images)

November 9, 2021

Exposure in utero to a drug used to prevent miscarriage can lead to an increased risk of developing cancer, according to researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston).

该研究今天在American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.


在12年前进行了令人震惊的结直肠癌诊断之后,马克和劳拉·舒克(Laura Shook)享受着他们的生活,家庭和教堂。(Alyssa义务/UT医师的照片)


Although she couldn’t quite place what was wrong, Laura Shook knew something wasn’t right with her body. Upon hearing the grave cancer diagnosis of beloved actress Farrah Fawcett, her concerns grew. She knew it was time to seek out professional help.

Grief trial to assess mothers after pregnancy loss

Photo of woman sitting on bed.


由休斯顿大学(Uthealth Houbeplay苹果手机能用吗ston)的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心研究人员领导的一项新研究将调查经历怀孕损失以评估自己的悲伤的妇女,以期了解他们如何获得资源,以改善这种损失后的生活。

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