



Kymberle Sterling, DrPH, MPH
Kymberle Sterling,DRPH,MPH。(礼貌照片)

编者注:为了庆祝黑人历史月(2月1日至3月1日),休斯敦乌西顿(Uthealth Houston)邀请了我们社区的杰出成员。

Kymberle Sterling,DRPH,MPH,她的职业生涯与烟草业吸引新吸烟者的努力作斗争。


She is a tenured associate professor at UTHealth School of Public Health-Dallas, a public health behavioral scientist, and a tobacco-related health disparities researcher. Sterling is also the first African American woman to be awarded tenure at the school.



“For me, it’s a perfect marriage between problem-solving, creativity, and the ability to help someone. It taps into what my purpose is on this Earth — to help people,” Sterling said.

“Applied public health research works to develop interventions and programs to help people. I have many tools at my disposal, and the creative part of that is deciding which tools are best to use to address a public health problem. I have community-based participatory research strategies in my toolbox to help me engage and collaborate with my target population. Along with input from my target population, I have behavioral science theories and frameworks to help me better understand the motivations of human behavior. I have the processes for developing a health promotion intervention or program and evaluating how effective that program is. To me, it’s like an artist having their paint and canvas in front of them, waiting to create their next piece. I’m able to use all of these tools to figure out what sort of program to create to best answer my research question, and I’m able to create something that hopefully benefits people.”

Sterling said she started her journey at Tulane University in New Orleans, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in cell and molecular biology. Initially, her goal was to become a pediatrician, but her experiences at the institution steered her toward public health. Her roommate attended an information session on public health and excitedly shared the news.

“这是我们正在寻找的一切》l career,” Sterling said. “I began my studies at the Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, and I absolutely loved it.”

斯特林(Sterling)在杜兰(Tulane)赢得了公共卫生硕士学位时,遇到了一位基础导师,她将她引导到研究中,贝蒂娜·比奇(Bettina M. Beech),德尔夫(Drph),MPH,曾在Uthealth公共卫beplay苹果手机能用吗生学院获得博士学位。

“She was a phenomenal researcher and person. In her course, I was bit by the research bug. I was able to realize my love of writing, problem-solving, public health, and helping people and how they intersected,” Sterling said.



Sterling found her passion for helping combat tobacco use through a research project with Alfred McAlister, PhD, professor emeritus with the School of Public Health. The project included developing sections of the Texas Tobacco Prevention Initiative, a statewide initiative funded in the early 2000s through a settlement with the tobacco industry. It created tobacco prevention programs for children, including a school curriculum and a public service campaign.

“Through that project, I learned about the tobacco industry’s predatory practices and their recruitment of new users, youth and young adults, which the industry calls ‘replacement smokers,’” Sterling said. “The industry has a long history of targeting vulnerable populations: youth, African Americans, Hispanics, and LGBTQ+.”

Sterling continued in tobacco research, eventually returning to UTHealth Houston in 2018, where she teaches in the Department of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences. She recently completed a $1.3 million NIH grant to evaluate predictors of flavored cigar and cigarillo use. She plans to continue this work through 2027 through another NIH grant to assess the abuse liability of the industry for flavored cigar and cigarillo use.




“We know that if smoking onset is prevented by the age of 30, then we’ve prevented most tobacco-related cancer deaths,” she said. “We may not be able to reach all youth, but if we prevent smoking among some, then we’re moving in the right direction. If we can provide current smokers with the tools they need to begin the quitting process, we’re working toward avoiding or reducing many of the adverse health effects that come from smoking.”




“As a Black woman in public health, I had very few mentors who understood what it was like to be Black in an academic space,” she said. “There aren’t many women of color conducting public health research. It’s an honor and a privilege to give back to all of my students, particularly to students with backgrounds like mine. That’s one of the reasons why mentoring is so important.”

斯特林(Sterling)是公共卫生学院的包容,多样性,公平和倡导(思想)委员会的团队的一员,他们申请了罗伯特·伍德·约翰逊基金会(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)的赠款,以提高学校的多样性努力。

Sterling said her career has been rewarding beyond measure.


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