News from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Stories from The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)


Fragmented: Building relationships to end homelessness

Fragmented: Building relationships to end homelessness
林恩(Lynn)对每天无法满足其基本需求的服务缺乏服务感到沮丧。(Photo courtesy of UTHealth)


然而,许多人没有从Maslow的需求等级制成的基本要素。实际上,得克萨斯州在无家可归者人数最多的州中排名第四。每天晚上,大休斯顿地区有4,000多人在没有永久性住房的情况下睡觉 - 其中有39%的人生活在桥梁下或帐篷下。

While this number has ebbed and flowed over the decades, many remain chronically homeless, slipping through the holes of a tattered safety net of services and becoming high utilizers of health care.

通过美国卫生与公共服务部的药物滥用和精神卫生服务管理局的250万美元赠款,Jane Hamilton, PhD,精神病学和行为科学助理教授麦戈文医学院在休斯Beplay体育中心敦的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthealth)is leading an effort to combat behavioral disorders and homelessness.



Amplifying the impact of their disorder, unsheltered individuals are reluctant to take a medication that changes the way they feel. “They tell me that they don’t have a door, a place to be safe,” explains Hamilton. “So they worry about taking something that makes them feel a little different.”

Over the past 30 years, the percentage of adults over 50 years old in the homeless population increased from 11% to approximately 50%, revealing a problem compounded by time.

“I was driving around downtown Houston one evening when I saw all these people with white hair sleeping under a warehouse overhang,” remembers Hamilton. Often, family members who were once caring for them have died, leaving behind someone with medical comorbidities who is incapable of self-care.



But the integration of services doesn’t stop there. A common barrier for services is not having a government-issued ID. Many patients in the study grew up in the foster care system and moved around a lot, sometimes losing their ID card in the process.

“I had one patient who was born in Maine but entered the foster care system in California. She didn’t have her birth certificate to get an ID, so she’s been sleeping on the sidewalk for three years,” says Hamilton. “Our team helped her get her birth certificate, and she has received 35 therapy sessions in five months to address past trauma.”

Housing assessments must be conducted every 90 days for individuals to maintain eligibility for permanent supportive housing, which is a primary outcome of Hamilton’s work. This requirement introduces another barrier. “If they don’t get their housing assessment done every 90 days, no one follows up,” says Hamilton. “So we hired a dedicated housing assessor and have become a partner with Houston Coalition for the Homeless, the organization managing Housing and Urban Development funds for our region.” As a result, Hamilton’s team helped 23 people gain housing in less than five months—many of whom had outdated housing assessments when they enrolled in the program.

“People actually cry once we start moving them into housing because they are so scared and so frustrated with their lives. They just can’t believe it’s finally happening,” says Hamilton.

Many feel like the system has failed them. But with helping hands and research to improve services, Hamilton’s team is building relationships— and trust—to change the trajectory.

“Chronic homelessness is a sad thing that just shouldn’t happen,” says Hamilton, “especially when they have mental disabilities and cannot navigate complex and fragmented systems. By reducing chronic homelessness, we are making a positive impact on the health care system and, most importantly, the individuals.”

精神疾病的图形——双相情感障碍,schizophrenia, depression, ptsd

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