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医学博士Salil Bhandari的照片,演示了如何在19日期大流行期间安全地进行旁观者CPR。(图片由Uthealth摄)
医学博士Salil Bhandari演示了如何在19日期大流行期间安全地进行旁观者CPR。(图片由Uthealth摄)

Projections from Texas’ first cardiac arrest registry show that every day at least 60 Texans will suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, which is a sudden loss of heart function, breathing, and consciousness. If bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is performed, the victim’s chance of survival can三倍, but less than half of victims in the Lone Star State receive any bystander CPR, according to data from the registry.


麦戈文医学院急诊医学主席和约翰·P·凯瑟琳·麦戈文(Kathrine G.在学校。“如果没有注册表,就无法衡量护理或改进以帮助人们并挽救生命。许多人没有意识到,大约有75%的心脏骤停发生在家里,这意味着您最有可能帮助的人将成为您所爱的人。CPR周围有很多犹豫,因为许多人对此不满意。我们想进一步了解这些差异存在的位置,以便我们可以以更有效的方式训练更多的人。”

UTHealth研究,揭示raci起到了推波助澜beplay苹果手机能用吗的作用al and economic disparities in where bystander CPR is being performed, especially when it comes to outcomes for children. The study showed that from January 1, 2013, until December 31, 2017, white children in the U.S. received bystander CPR in 56.9% of cardiac arrest cases, Hispanic children in 46.6% of cases, and Black children in 39.3% of cardiac arrests.

“If a child lives in a predominantly Black neighborhood, they are 20% less likely to receive bystander CPR or to survive compared to children in predominantly white neighborhoods,” Bobrow said. “This disparity is large and unacceptable.”

With the COVID-19 pandemic, there could be even more hesitation among all community members to attempt bystander CPR. The American Heart Association recently released interim guidelines on how to do CPR during the pandemic if the victim is someone outside your home, and Bobrow said the most significant change is that the rescuer should put a mask or a cloth over the victim’s mouth, if possible, to reduce the spread of particles.

A common misconception about CPR is that you have to do the mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing, which is not the case, Bobrow said. The most important thing you can do is compressions, by pushing hard and fast on the victim’s chest.


Below is a quick guide to bystander CPR for adults, as well as ahow-to video

  • 评估该人是否正在心脏骤停。如果他们突然崩溃了,昏迷和呼吸异常,就像一条从水中跳出并喘着粗气的鱼,请与CPR一起前进。
  • 在您的手机上拨打911并将其放在扬声器手机模式下。放下它,以便您可以听到调度员的说明并同时使用双手。调度员会告诉您该怎么做,请准备好。
  • Make sure the victim is on a hard surface,like the floorThey cannot be on a bed.
  • Begin compressions。Put one hand on top of the other, lock your elbows, place your palm on the center of the chest, and start pushing down. The key here is simple: Push hard and push fast at a rate of about 100-120 beats per minute. A good way to remember this is to sing “Staying Alive” by the Bee Gees in your head, since the beat matches the rate you should be doing compressions.
  • Don’t stop直到专业帮助到达并接管护理。

There are two important differences when it comes performing CPR for children.

  • 建议复苏呼吸, since most children go into cardiac arrest due to a respiratory cause. Do 30 compressions and then give two quick rescue breaths, so the chest rises up and down.
  • CPR can be done with one hand in toddlers and children, and with just two fingers for infants,since children are smaller than adults.





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