



阿什利·罗莫(Ashley Romo)在得知她和未婚夫Omare Okotie-Eboh都与休斯顿的居住相匹配后,拥抱了她的父亲大卫。
阿什利·罗莫(Ashley Romo)在得知她和未婚夫Omare Okotie-Eboh都与休斯顿的居住相匹配后,拥抱了她的父亲大卫。Deborah Mann Lake/Uthealth的照片

每年开学的第一天,大卫·罗莫(David Romo)都会告诉他的女儿阿什利(Ashley),“去找你的未来。”今天,在比赛当天撕开自己的信封后,阿什利·罗莫(Ashley Romo)拥抱了父亲,因为眼泪从眼睛泄漏出来,她小声说:“爸爸,我得到了我的未来。”

罗莫(Romo)与德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Dexas Health Science Center)的麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)后面的其他2Beplay体育中心38名学生一起,发现她将迈出下一步成为医生的旅程。


“您已经在过去的四年中为今天做准备,” H. Wayne Hightower医学博士芭芭拉·J·斯托尔(Barbara J. Stoll)说。“您准备接受严格的居住培训。但是,尽管您可以使用耐心的病史并了解最复杂的医疗术语,但请记住,您的大多数医学教育都在您面前 - 这种教育将继续您的整个职业生涯。”



夫妇Ashley Romo和Omare Okotie-Eboh将在几周内结婚,并与初级保健居住相匹配,并满足了全国各地的急需需求。
夫妇Ashley Romo和Omare Okotie-Eboh将在几周内结婚,并与初级保健居住相匹配,并满足了全国各地的急需需求。Deborah Mann Lake/Uthealth的照片

阿什利·罗莫(Ashley Romo)Omare Okotie-Eboh,两者都在同一时间打开了他们的信封,然后闯入巨大的微笑,因为Okotie-Eboh拥抱了Romo的脚。这对夫妇将在下个月结婚,将留在休斯敦 - 罗莫(Romo)与纪念赫尔曼·糖(Hermann Sugar Land Hospital)的家庭医学相匹配,而Okotie-Eboh与内科/儿科的McGovern医学院相匹配。他们决定在韦伯广场(Webber Plaza)的同一确切地点一起学习他们的居住计划,他向她求婚。来自达拉斯的罗莫(Romo)说:“我充满欢乐和感激之情。”“这感觉不真实。”毕业于Cy-Fair高中和赖斯大学的Okotie-Eboh说:“这正是我们为之祈祷的。我的家人在这里,我们与我们的教会和朋友们在一起。”这对夫妇在麦戈文医学院的第一年见面,并迅速成为朋友,他们互相支持,因为他们克服了医学生的挑战。他们的信仰,对他人服务的热爱以及对烘焙的热爱使​​他们更加亲密,他们开始在医学院的第二年约会。Romo和Okotie-Eboh的一次医疗任务旅行带到了洪都拉斯北部海岸附近的一个小岛Roatan,进一步强调了他们共享的共同目标。 Both want to practice medicine in the U.S., but they also have a calling to care for those in underserved areas of the world. Ultimately, they say, they would like to serve patients in a U.S. clinical practice that would allow them time to travel periodically to other countries on medical missions. “It is a great joy to provide care to those in need, and it inspires me to be the best doctor that I can be,” Okotie-Eboh said. He was welcomed to his new residency by Mark A. Farnie, MD, who ceremoniously draped him with an orange lei.

麦戈文医学院的学生安娜·索利斯·扎瓦拉(Ana Solis Zavala)庆祝她在圣路易斯儿童医院的儿科住院医师的匹配。
麦戈文医学院的学生安娜·索利斯·扎瓦拉(Ana Solis Zavala)庆祝她在圣路易斯儿童医院的儿科住院医师的匹配。Rob Cahill/Uthealth的照片

安娜·索利斯·扎瓦拉(Ana Solis Zavala)26岁,她的生命被医生挽救了婴儿后,她很高兴得知她与圣路易斯儿童医院相提并论。她说:“当我在那里采访时遇到的每个人都给我留下了深刻的印象。”没有人必须告诉她为什么医生的工作如此重要。她在墨西哥城出生后不久,她出现了一种威胁生命的感染,称为败血症。她今天还活着,因为她受到了照顾。“长大后,我记得我的父母唱着照顾我的儿科医生的赞美。这就是我想成为一名医生的原因之一。像救她的医生一样,索利斯·扎瓦拉(Solis Zavala)想照顾孩子。索利斯·扎瓦拉(Solis Zavala)说:“我有一个妹妹,我帮助母亲照顾她。”“我一直很喜欢和孩子们一起工作。” When she’s not studying for medical school, she volunteers to hold tiny newborns in an intensive care unit and to support children whose parents have cancer. Through McGovern Medical School, she served at a summer camp for children with kidney disease alongside Joshua Samuels, MD, MPH, and conducted genetic research with Hope Northrup, MD. Solis Zavala graduated from The Woodlands High School and earned her bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from the University of Texas at Austin. “Taking care of children is what I want to do,” Solis Zavala said.

瓦赫格鲁·辛格(Waheguru Singh)说,他为他的儿子麦戈文医学院的学生玛尼·辛格(Mani Singh)与纽约长老会医院相匹配而感到自豪,他将在那里学习体育医学和康复。
瓦赫格鲁·辛格(Waheguru Singh)说,他为他的儿子麦戈文医学院的学生玛尼·辛格(Mani Singh)与纽约长老会医院相匹配而感到自豪,他将在那里学习体育医学和康复。由Faith Harper/Uthealth摄

玛尼·辛格(Mani Singh)26岁时,直到名字开始被打电话时,才感到紧张。然后,他的右腿开始反弹。最后,等待和四年的辛勤工作得到了回报。辛格(Singh)与他的居住第一选择 - 纽约长老会医院(Presbyterian Hospital) - 他将学习物理医学和康复。辛格(Singh)将在麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)再花一年的时间进行内科培训,然后才能搬到纽约完成他的专业培训。辛格说,他仰望他的父亲,他的父亲是一个自制的男人,他以野心和聪明的钱来到美国,但钱很少。辛格说,他希望他的父亲和母亲感到骄傲。他的父亲瓦赫格鲁·辛格(Waheguru Singh)说,他的梦想是成为一名医生,但他专注于化学,并且在研究实验室工作的职业生涯很长。beplay苹果手机能用吗他说,看到儿子参加居住计划的骄傲使他觉得自己的梦想实现了。玛尼·辛格(Mani Singh)将训练专业,以帮助具有身体限制的患者恢复其功能和独立性。 “The specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation focuses on patient wellness rather than just the medicine,” he said. “It includes physical health and mental health. These patients may have gone through a big change and they are trying to reclaim their normalcy. Working with those patients stuck with me. It combines everything I like.” Specifically, Singh plans to enter physiatry, a field of medicine that focuses on whole-body treatment of patients with mobility-affecting diseases. He fell in love with the specialty through volunteer work at Rehabilitation Services Volunteer Project, where Singh said he gained a better understanding of the challenges some patients face after leaving the hospital. The nonprofit provides physical rehabilitation services and equipment to disabled people without insurance. Singh is also skilled in the research lab, and hopes to uncover mysteries related to spinal cord injuries. “Research keeps you honest,” Singh said. “You have to stay up to date with new techniques and evidence, and you don’t forget the knowledge base as you progress in your medical career. It’s a long game, and even the small findings you have are satisfying.” He started his academic career as a biochemistry major at the University of Texas at Austin. Singh grew up in College Station, Texas, where he graduated from A&M Consolidated High School.

麦戈文医学院的高级洛根·奥利弗(Logan Oliver)收到了他在圣地亚哥海军医疗中心开始内科住院医师的行进命令。
麦戈文医学院的高级洛根·奥利弗(Logan Oliver)收到了他在圣地亚哥海军医疗中心开始内科住院医师的行进命令。Victoria Tagg/Uthealth的照片

麦戈文医学院高级/美国。海军少尉洛根·奥利弗(Logan Oliver)26岁,已经收到了他的行进命令,并于6月在圣地亚哥海军医疗中心开始了内科住院医师。尽管内容并不令人惊讶,但奥利弗仍然很高兴打开自己的信封并与朋友庆祝。“知道所有的辛勤工作得到了回报并与同学庆祝,这真是令人满意。我知道毕业即将来临,我感到放心和兴奋。”奥利弗​​说。“现在感觉更真实。我们将很快成为医生,这将带来很多责任。我希望我准备好了!”与他们的平民同行不同,从事军事医学职业的学生提前几个月进行任务。作为海军医疗队的一员,奥利弗的工作是确保水手,海军陆战队及其家人和退休人员健康,准备就绪,并且在工作中 - 无论是陆地还是海洋。“我父亲向我展示了对国家和社区的服务价值。 I think this is a great outlet to give back to the community,” said Oliver, whose dad Larry Oliver graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point and served as an Army captain. Not the only doctor in the family, Oliver’s sister Rachel Oliver has already earned her medical degree and is doing an emergency medicine residency in Tampa, Florida. Once the general part of his residency is complete, Logan Oliver plans to specialize in gastroenterology. “A lot of people have gastrointestinal issues. This is an area where I can make a big difference to a lot of people,” he said. Oliver graduated from Robert E. Lee High School in Tyler, Texas, and earned a chemistry degree at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. While Oliver admired and appreciated all his mentors, he was particularly affected by the attitude of Amanda Helminiak, MD. “Dr. Helminiak makes each of her patients feel heard, respected, and well-cared-for, which is a skill I hope to emulate as a future physician,” he said.

辛迪·古(Cindy Gu)与加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的泌尿外科计划相匹配,他庆祝她的朋友莎拉·纳米尔(Sarah Namil),后者与贝丝·伊斯雷尔(Beth Israel Deacones)医疗中心相称。
辛迪·古(Cindy Gu)与加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的泌尿外科计划相匹配,他庆祝她的朋友莎拉·纳米尔(Sarah Namil),后者与贝丝·伊斯雷尔(Beth Israel Deacones)医疗中心相称。艾米·劳卡(Amy Laukka)/Uthealth的照片

辛迪·古(Cindy Gu),26,选择了一个领域,泌尿科,该领域与驻留期早期相匹配。她将前往加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)。她说:“人们问我为什么要参加比赛,因为我已经知道自己与加州大学洛杉矶分校比赛,但是我很高兴我在这里体验这个令人难以置信的时刻。”“我想和我的同学和朋友在一起,他们在过去的四年里经历了我,我很高兴他们与他们的顶级学校相匹配。外围beplay感觉就像我们所有的辛勤工作都得到了回报!”GU在看着她心爱的祖母的祖母后,被启发去了药物,后者抚养了胰腺癌。GU出生于中国,与祖母住在一起,而她的父母大约3岁时在美国工作,两人与GU的父母住在德克萨斯州。她的祖母在GU高中时期不幸失去了与癌症的斗争。Gu说:“只要看到她经历的一切以及她在医疗保健系统的经历就激发了我参与并帮助人们。”“我喜欢您可以在临床和手术环境中看到患者,也可以进行研究,”他的父亲是研究科学家的Gu说。beplay苹果手机能用吗 “You can see how your research is going to impact your patients’ lives and many times even directly apply it during treatment or surgery. I also find it exciting that through research, you can offer hope to patients who feel that they have run out of options.” Gu says her grandparents also motivated her to specialize in urology, as many of the common issues in the field affect older people. “I saw that issues like urinary incontinence and benign prostatic hyperplasia, or an enlarged prostate, can be embarrassing and cause shame,” Gu said. “I love that by providing treatment, you can vastly improve quality of life for so many people.” Gu said there are many doctors she admires, including Steven Canfield, MD, urologist with McGovern Medical School and UT Physicians. “Cindy is very smart and we’re sad to lose her, but we know she has a wonderful journey and bright career ahead,” Canfield said. Before heading off to UCLA, Gu will marry her boyfriend of nine years in May.


内科 34
儿科 26
急诊医学 18
家庭医学 18
麻醉学 15
精神病学 15
骨科手术 14
眼科 12
手术(一般) 12
妇产科 12
物理医学与康复 8
诊断放射学 6
手术(初步) 6
延期 4
耳鼻喉科 4
泌尿科 4
皮肤科 4
内科(初步) 4
神经病学 3
神经手术 3
口腔上颌面手术 3
小儿神经病学 2
内科 /儿科 2
介入放射学 2
病理 2
整形外科 2
血管手术 2
辐射肿瘤学 1
胸手术 1
学生总数: 239
站点var = uth
