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Neurologists speak out about gender disparity at global stroke gathering

路易丝·麦卡洛(Louise McCullough)医学博士的照片;医学博士Lauren Fournier;和医学博士Anjail Sharrief,MPH。照片标题:Uthealth
路易丝·麦卡洛(Louise McCullough),医学博士;医学博士Lauren Fournier;以及MPH,MPH的Anjail Sharrief,在ISC。(图片来源:Uthealth)

国际中风会议(ISC)每年都会吸引成千上万的神经科医生与其他专家建立联系,并观看有关临床护理,科学和教育最新进展的引人注目的演讲。首次加入这些演讲是一个相当挑衅的话题 - 演讲者本身之间的性别差异。

聚光灯以休斯敦(Uthealth)的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(Uthbeplay苹果手机能用吗ealth)提出的研究形式出现,该研究本身就Beplay体育中心是两张海报和一个迷你群岛的重点。这两项研究 - 一项研究被邀请的演讲者,另一项研究提交和接受的摘要 - 揭示了妇女的代表性不足。

“重要的是要阐明统计和this to generate a heightened awareness of gender disparities which have been entrenched in neuroscience for many years,” said Louise McCullough, MD, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Neurology, who serves as the vice chair of the programming committee for the ISC.


“平均只有29%的受邀演讲者是女性。尽管它可能反映了该领域,但我仍然觉得这很惊人。” Uthealth McGovern医学院血管神经病学研究员Lauren Fournier医学博士Lauren Fournier说。



这second study looked at data for first authors of submitted and accepted ISC abstracts. It showed that about a third of both submitted abstracts (36.9 percent) and accepted abstracts (36.5 percent) were by female authors.


“The statistics illustrate how females are not submitting their science as much as males. They also show females who are participating tend to be more in specific roles,” said Fournier, who was also the first author on this study. “We need to encourage more women to pursue science, take on big studies, and become faculty members in academic research.”

By career level, the highest proportion of women with accepted abstracts were students/trainees at 40.7 percent.


Fournier was one of four female and four male fellows with the stroke program at McGovern Medical School. She is mentored by McCullough, Amrou Sarraj, MD, associate professor of neurology, Anjail Sharrief, MD, MPH, assistant professor of neurology, and Elizabeth Noser, MD, assistant professor of neurology.

“我的导师是科学女性的巨大拥护者。麦卡洛(McCullough)博士在会议上为初级科学家和像我这样的医生为他们的职业做准备的特别午餐会。” Fournier说。“这两项研究是我们去年夏天进行对话的结果。麦卡洛(McCullough)博士建议看这件事,我跳了下来。两个摘要都被接受了,我介绍了它们很有希望,并表明该问题正在认真对待。”

“The data shows we’re starting to turn a corner and I’m delighted that UTHealth is very much part of this progress as demonstrated by our stroke program fellows,” McCullough said. “The International Stroke Conference is a tremendous event to learn and share different perspectives and ideas, so it’s vital that women are given every opportunity to participate and fulfill their potential.”



Sharrief是Uthealth Stroke和脑血管疾病的神经病学助理教授,预防中风预防局长,是两项研究的高级作者。其他Uthealth的合着者是Liang Zhu,PhD和McCullough。


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