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Photo of Patricia Dolan Mullen, DrPH, MPH, MLS and Eric Boerwinkle, PhD, with Mullen's Piper Professor award
Patricia Dolan Mullen, DrPH, MPH, MLS, is presented with her Piper Professor award by Eric Boerwinkle, PhD. (Photo by Rachel Atterstrom/UTHealth)

From advocating for preconception counseling to trying to improve the futures of women released from jail to training the next generation of public health leaders, Patricia Dolan Mullen, DrPH, MPH, MLS, has made an impact on the Houston community and beyond.

为了表彰这项工作,休斯敦德克萨斯大学健康科学中心(UTHealth)公共卫生学院的教授Mullen被MiBeplay体育中心nnie Stevens Piper Foundation评为2019年享有声望的Piper教授。穆伦(Mullen)是Uthealth的第九任教职员工,在其公共卫生学院获得第三名,以获得荣誉。


“Her tireless efforts and vast expertise have made a tremendous impact on our students and fellows, as well as the wider community. I am delighted that her dedication has been recognized with this award, which is so richly deserved and will serve as an inspiration to others,” Boerwinkle said.


“监狱是一个学习生活的好地方。电动汽车eryone who works in public health needs to learn from all groups of people what it’s like to live without privileges and types of support. It’s a privilege to get close to people, understand something about them, and figure out things,” said Mullen, professor of health promotion and behavioral sciences and senior investigator at the Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research at UTHealth School of Public Health.


Mullen’s teaching career spans more than four decades, including 37 years’ service at the School of Public Health.



“Almost 30 years ago, I can remember being on a panel for the content of prenatal care. One of our recommendations was to offer preconception counseling, which was almost laughed at back then,” Mullen said.

This spurred her development of a program that provided women at risk of unplanned pregnancy with advice and support to change unhealthy behaviors, including the use of reliable forms of contraception. Women in drug and alcohol treatment programs or leaving jail were among those offered the counseling, which led to Mullen’s work with women being released from jail. Equally determined to prepare students for the outside world, Mullen’s signature public health program evaluation course, the first of its kind for UTHealth School of Public Health, has taught more than 750 students over the past 25 years.

“我是一名想建立怀疑主义的副教授,这是公共卫生的基石。认为我们做得很好是不够的。我们可以造成伤害。因此,具备解决哪些程序有效,哪些不是至关重要的技能。” Mullen说。“该计划已经进化,增加了系统的审查,从而可以得出更多的全球结论。学生将其视为最艰难的课程之一,但也将其评分很高,这是非常有意义的。”


穆伦(Mullen)对培养其他人和资源的坚定承诺,她的往绩不仅在支持公共卫生学院,而且在整个大学中为培训赠款提供了记录。她目前为UTHealth的Dexas Dexas培训补助金与癌症预防和研究所共同导演。beplay苹果手机能用吗

“培训补助金很难编写,难以管理,也很少注意到。然而,它们对于学生和博士后的支持至关重要,因此我一直在支持教师,使他们更容易将更多这些资源带给Uthealth。” Mullen说。“这很重要,因为这确实促使学生利用他们的学术课程,帮助启动职业,并最终使更广泛的受众访问研究。”beplay苹果手机能用吗



Ten Piper Professors are selected annually from nominations by colleges and universities across Texas. Mullen’s previous accolades include receiving the UTHealth President’s Scholar Award for Teaching, the University of Texas Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, and being inducted to The University of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, MD, Academy of Health Science Education.

“博士Mullen has played an instrumental role in developing our students, and improving public health at a state and national level. I extend my wholehearted congratulations for this special award, which bears testimony to her immense talent and commitment, and continues the impressive legacy of Piper Professor award recipients at UTHealth,” said Kevin Morano, PhD, associate vice president for Faculty Affairs and Development and the Roger J. Bulger, MD Distinguished Professor at UTHealth.

总部位于圣安东尼奥的米妮·史蒂文斯·派珀基金会(Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation)成立于1950年,是一家非营利性慈善公司。已故的Randall Gordon Piper和他的妻子Minnie Stevens Piper是主要捐助者。


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