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记住医学博士Carmel Bitondo Dyer,著名的老年医生和老年人冠军

Carmel Bitondo Dyer,医学博士,国际知名的老年医生,Uthealth衰老财团的执行董事。(图片由Uthealth摄)
Carmel Bitondo Dyer,医学博士,国际知名的老年医生,Uthealth衰老财团的执行董事。(图片由Uthealth摄)

Carmel Bitondo Dyer, MD, an internationally renowned geriatrician and executive director of the Consortium on Aging at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), passed away Tuesday, May 4. She was 62.


“博士戴尔(Dyer)留下了巨大的遗产,该遗产将通过我们的举措在生活的每个阶段大大改善健康和医疗保健的举措,”尤西佩·N·科拉苏尔多(Giuseppe N.

Dyer joined McGovern Medical School at UTHealth in 2007 as the first director of the Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine, establishing research, education, and clinical programs, and setting the pace for its tremendous growth. In that role, she led the design of both inpatient and outpatient geriatric and palliative medicine programs at UTHealth’s primary teaching hospitals, Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center and Harris Health Lyndon B. Johnson Hospital. She created the Acute Care of the Elderly Unit and an inpatient geriatric and palliative consult service. She also developed two geriatric and palliative house call teams to bring exceptional care to older adults in their homes, and worked to establish both geriatric and palliative fellowship programs.

“Through her passion for her patients and her inspiring commitment to teaching others, Dr. Dyer influenced so many health care professionals to pursue a life’s work in geriatrics and gerontology,” said Holly Holmes, MD, MS, associate professor, Joan and Stanford Alexander Chair in Gerontology, and director of the newly named Joan and Stanford Alexander Division of Geriatric and Palliative Medicine. “Her impact on the careers of so many in our field can be seen through the enormous growth of our programs dedicated to healthy aging at UTHealth and the successful careers of her many mentees. She was an exceptional doctor who served as a model for addressing the whole person.”

戴尔继续引导和扩大UTHealth Consortium on Aging, inspiring collaboration among all six schools at the university. Exemplifying her tremendous gift for bringing people together to work on behalf of vulnerable patients, membership quickly grew to more than 200 professionals from various disciplines and community partners. Consortium members established centers of excellence in elder abuse, mobile and connected health, and distributed seed grants to new investigators. This foundational work inspired Dyer’s novel geriatric health care delivery model that greatly increases quality of care for older adults while reducing costs.

德克萨斯大学系统摄政王乔迪·李·吉尔斯(Jodie Lee Jiles)说:“简单地说,戴尔博士是全国最熟练,最敬业的老年护理专业人员。“她完全致力于自己的私人患者,也致力于扩大我们整个社区的老年人的临床服务。我很高兴与她和三个Amigos合作,即Archbishop Fiorenza,Reverend Lawson和Rabbi Karff,以提高进入的机会。照顾老化的休斯顿人,让我告诉你,她是一支不容忽视的力量!与她合作确实是一种荣幸,而认识她的祝福。”

In 2010, Dyer became the first medical director of the UT Physicians Center for Healthy Aging, which promotes a circle of care concept to deliver comprehensive, age-appropriate care to older adults. A testament to Dyer’s leadership, focus on inter-professionalism, and commitment to the highest level of care, patients and their families routinely express their gratitude for the extraordinary care provided by the center’s team of specialists.

“博士戴尔(Dyer)为患者,学习者,教职员工和内科工作人员的坚定服务是无与伦比的。”麦戈文医学院内科教授兼主席David McPherson说。“作为老年医学和姑息医学的部门主任,她从头开始开发了一项强大的计划,将衰老的医疗保健带到了Uthealth的新水平。


Nancy Guinee, a member of the UTHealth Development Board’s executive committee, echoed McPherson’s sentiments. “Dr. Dyer gave me the greatest of gifts, not only as a consummate physician for myself and late husband, and not only as a friend,” Guinee said. “She ignited in me a purpose for the rest of my life through the work and contributions I have been honored to do, and will continue to champion, through the Consortium on Aging.

Dyer此前曾担任Harris Health LBJ的参谋长,最近,曾担任内科医学系执行副主席 - 招聘和指导教师担任关键领导职务 - 以及总统办公室的特别助理。当Roy M.和Phyllis Gough Huffington的老年学主席以及Nancy P.和MD的Vincent F. Guinee担任杰出主席时,她继续进行了合作工作,以改善老年人的健康。Dyer与Uthealth Biomedical Informatics的Amy Franklin博士合作,旨在改善老年人的远程医疗访问权限,并创建全大学的患者研究登记册,以为老年人提供直接为改变生活的突破性做出贡献的机会。beplay苹果手机能用吗

“博士Dyer was often described as the voice for the older patient population,” Colasurdo said. “May we continue to serve as her voice for the vulnerable and reflect with gratitude on the honor to forever count Dr. Dyer as one of themany faces of UTHealth。”

为了记忆,大学正在建立老年医学和姑息医学主席的Carmel Bitondo Dyer。

In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to UTHealth, 7000 Fannin, Suite 1200, Houston, TX 77030 benefiting the Carmela and Salvatore Bitondo Graduate Fellowship in Elder Mistreatment. Donations also can be made online at

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