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瑞安Suk,博士,劳工组织公共卫生学院管理,政策和社区健康助理教授。(照片由Nathan Jeter / Uthealth Houston)
瑞安Suk,博士,劳工组织公共卫生学院管理,政策和社区健康助理教授。(照片由Nathan Jeter / Uthealth Houston)

Rates of cervical cancer screening have dropped in the U.S., with screening rates lowest among Asian and Hispanic women, as well as women who live in rural areas, don’t have insurance, or identify as LGBQ+, according to researchers with The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (Uthealth休斯顿)。

A nationally representative cross-sectional study of 20,557 women led by瑞安苏克,博士,副卫生公共卫生学院的管理,政策和社区卫生助理助理教授揭示了妇女比例的重大增加,没有所有社会碘目群体中的颈部癌症筛查,从2005年的14.4%到23.0%2019学习把数据从国家卫生有限公司mation Survey (NHIS) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was published today inJama网络开放。

在不同的社会渗塑群体中发现了主要的差异。尽管如此,最常见的是没有收到所有群体及时筛查的原因缺乏知识,从47.2%的妇女均为LGBQ +至64.4%的妇女的妇女。


Significantly higher rates of overdue screening were found among women of Asian descent compared with those of non-Hispanic white race and ethnicity (31.4% vs. 20.1%). There were also higher rates among women living in rural versus urban areas (26.2% vs. 22.6%); those without insurance versus those with private insurance (41.7% vs. 18.1%); and women identifying as LGBQ+ versus heterosexual (32.0% vs. 22.2%). Transgender individuals could not be identified because the NHIS data does not have information on transgender and only includes a binary sex variable of male and female.


  • 与非西班牙裔女性相比,亚洲和西班牙裔女性更有可能筛选,而不是最新的筛选,但跨越种族和种族的原因变化。虽然亚洲和西班牙裔女性都报告了缺乏知识作为障碍,但亚洲女性更有可能报告缺乏医疗保健专业人员的建议,并且对任何问题的看法是障碍的看法,而西班牙妇女是亚洲妇女报告缺乏的两倍访问作为障碍。
  • 跨年龄群体的筛选率也存在差异。2019年,21至29岁的妇女逾期筛查率明显较高(29.1%)与30至65岁(21.1%)。之前收到了HPV疫苗,自2007年以来,已推荐给26岁的女性,这不是在任何年龄组中都有最新筛查的主要原因。然而,在较旧的妇女中,那些回答他们没有收到筛查的人,因为他们没有从2019年增加的医疗从业者推荐,从5.5%到12.0%。
  • The proportion of women reporting lack of access as their primary barrier to receiving a timely screening decreased significantly from 2005 to 2019 across all age groups, possibly representing benefits from Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act’s emphasis on access to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force-recommended preventive cares.



报告中的Uthealth Houston共同作者包括Suja S. Rajan,博士,博士,管理,政策和社区卫生卫生部的副教授,在尤特南公共卫生学院,yenan朱,学校的研究助理。beplay苹果手机能用吗其他共同作者包括年轻摇滚红,博士和志致谢,MPA,与佛罗里达大学和詹妮弗C. Spencer,博士,德克萨斯大学在奥斯汀。


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